TBD on Ning

When I left the house this morning at 4:30 it was just starting. I live by Mt Rainer so not unusual.  Now I'm at work in the Seattle area and it just starting here.  Gonna be a fun drive home tonight.  The low tomorrow night is 11 degrees.

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 No snow for us . Highs in low 40's with a few showers .

Ha, ha...wait till July at least.

There is talk of us getting THIRTY inches starting Sunday night.  My snow blower can't handle that!  I don't like that much snow.

Do any of ya'll have power outages with all this snow...downed lines and such?
I know when we have our storms here we have those kinds of issues, along with the flooding.

When we lived in Germany, several times the train were delayed which is how I got home from boarding school. I remember one time I took a bus and we got stuck going over a mountain pass..the road was icy and the bus just slid around and couldn't get traction. We ended up spending the night in a parking lot at a little Gasthaus and drank brandy to stay warm...memories.

Do any of ya'll do any sking or sledding or tobogganing or ice skating...I always liked winter sports. Lots and lots of snow where I lived. But then I was a kid back then and didn't have to deal with driving in it or shoveling it.

Used to slide on a card board box back in old days .

I used to sled and ice skate when I was a kid.  I haven't developed a taste for winter sports.  It's too damned cold!!!!!

Tonight will he snow, then heavy ice--like an inch thick. With that ice, "they" are predicting power outages because the trees and limbs come down on the wires.

This past Friday we got down in the 30's after dark...and there were snowflurries at St. Augustine and somebody said even at Cocoa Beach...and today the high temp was 85..crazy stuff.

High today...28, snow at the house, more expected all week.  Really fed the horse good last night. Cars in ditches every where.  Crazy people can't drive up here.

The snow that we had overnight is not pretty; it is not anything!  Since my husband is never home in this kind of weather  because he plows, I was out there for an hour and a half.  The snow blower won't blow the snow; it's way too heavy and slushy for me to do it by hand--or I'd die of a heart attack--it's just too much now.  If someone came to dig me out, I could enjoy it more, but it's me, me and just me unless someone rings the doorbell.  I've had enough of this sucky winter.

The good news is that it's not cold out.  I had to take my jacket off because I was sweating trying to get the snow=blower unstuck and cleaning the snow cones out of the shoot and turning the thing back on every time it shut off because of too mush show in the mechanisms.

I am not a happy camper right now.

Reasonable question to ask . Inquiring minds need to know ....

Calli, he works for a township that is forty miles away. I just got off the phone with him.  He worked since 3am, is still working straight through.  By the time he gets home, the whole event is over, and mostly, he sleeps down there at his mother's house at a time like this when there is prediction of bad storms otherwise he'd never be able to get there to plow for the town.

I had to marry a man who did this kind of work, right?  I need to find someone reliable to plow for me.  I have had people, but they never come until they are ready to, usually have lots of commercial lots to park, and then I am stuck.  And most snows I can handle, but every once in a while, one comes along like this one and it is just impossible. It is solid, hard ice, but under the wheels of the snow blower it's slush so the dame thing can't even run right. Ugh!

The Vortex or Jetstream or Weather gods have pushed the snow south of me so no new snow for several days.  It is 9 degrees which is not bad I guess. After several months of Winter it becomes just another day. Thus far we have had a little over 50 inches of snow so I thought I would speculate a little today when I went to Menards and I bought a spare sump pump for the basement, afterall, that snow is going to start melting come Spring. I have one good functional one down there that is electric and a bigger capacity gas-powered pump that I can use in emergencies. But the electric one is nice as one does not have to tend to it in any way except to insure the electric grid is still working and the pump does not burn out or something. So now I have been driven to hoarding sump pumps; what next?




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