TBD on Ning

i'm not really complainin here but i have to say i've never seen it this bad in the almost 24 years i've been livin down here in sunny florida , or should i say not quite so sunny lately florida .. yesterday and the day before we got 4 inches of rain .. on both days .. and probably about 2 the day before that and another 1 or 2 the day before that .. and its been like that all summer and finally the land which is usually like a sponge just can't soak it up anymore .. we're not as bad as the poor folks in colorado but i seriously doubt they got more rain than we did .. they're just not used to it like we are .. but man o man .. i've never seen a summer like this year .. and its wet every summer .. this is our rainy season so we expect it .. but this is more than i've ever seen .. and i've seen it get pretty wet .. this year for the first time and the only time since hurricane charley i've got about 3 and 4 inches of standin water in my yard in some spots .. with hurricane charley it was storm surge and a lot of water was moved from the caloossahatchee river which is about a mile or so from my house , so for about a day i had a few inches in my yard behind that ..but it was gone in about a day .. i'm not sure how long this will last cause we got more rain commin today . i think i put off buildin that ark for too long .. there are some people who have water commin in their houses around here .. i don't have that problem cause my house is up off the ground about 3 and a half feet .. and my shop is about a foot and a half off the ground .. and i have a deck that goes around my house so i'm not really walkin in the water .. i have a circular driveway that i put in myself which is still just high enough to be out of the water ..( i call it my polish interstate ) and a concrete walkway that goes in front and on the side of the house to the side door so i'm ok pretty much there too .. but i been sayin this all summer that with the amount of rain we been gettin that somethin has to give .. it can't keep goin like this without it floodin sooner or later ..looks like the billy bob redneck resort has seen better seasons than this year .. but i have no idea when the end of this will be this year .. everyday when i look at the weather it shows a mass of rain out there in the gulf just workin its way in .. this year has been crazy .. climate change is real.. so hows the weather by you guys ?? same old same old or do you believe in climate change yet ??     

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June was wet, July was hot, August was gorgeous and so far September has been lovely.  I was just thinking the other day how nice the weather has been so far and hoping we won't pay for it with a snowy cold winter.  

I think my weather is very much like yours? High ground for Cape Coral here but I am keeping the boat handy....

Our summer has been almost perfect. We had only about 25-30 days of 90+ temps, a reasonable amount of rain, and no major storms. Now, we are having a picture-perfect Fall, so far. It is in the 70s, blue skies, and light breeze. Jacket weather at night. I am loving it; we could have this stuff all year if I had my way.
French.......are sink holes more prevalent because of all that water?

I went to Florida several years back . I had a CB and was following an 18 wheeler . We were talking on CB . He come on and said Ya fixin to hit some " Liquid Sunshine" up ahead . When i got to it it was like a wall of water hit us . Hardest rain i ever saw .....

Sounds real soggy down there, French. 

My grass is still green, unusual for late summer, early fall, my flowers bloomed well without my even having to fertilize at all, I didn't have to water much--the weather here has been just enough rain and then just magnificent weather.  And I don't care what anybody says. Even with the best sprinklers or constant watering, there is nothing like pure rainwater to make things grow. They should bottle it.

Wish I could enjoy it more.  It's raining in my heart.  Too much illness...not me, those I love.

I wish you could share some of that water here frenchy, the last rain we've seen was in May which is normal for us, it has been a beautiful summer with the beginning of July hotter than normal then we settled in for temps in the high 80's for a few hours each day and lows at night in the low 60's

Now that fall has hit we're in the low 80's during the day and it gets to the 50's at night.

We're hoping for a rainy winter season, it usually doesn't start until October and sometimes not till December.

Everything stays green with the sprinkler system, it looks lush with flowers year round here because of all the ice plant and the natural vines that bloom in this climate like bougainvaillea.

yeah i feel kinda guilty keepin all this water too lifey .. every time i see one of them huge fires out west i think gee if them guys could just get a few days of the kinda rain that we get it would be a tremendous help .. we get so much in the summer and hardly any in the winter .. now they're sayin that the watersheds that drain down towards lee county where i live have a sheetflow thats about 3 days behind which basicly means that as bad as it is here now all the rain will still be makin its way south from charlotte county and we won't see the end of the floodin till 3 days from now .. it rained again today but we only got about a half an inch which is just a piddley amount for around here .. if it was snow tho it would be a half a foot if you lived up in the mountains or somethin .. 4 inches or rain would be 4 feet of snow .. and 4 inches back to back is 8 feet of snow .. add about 2 inches a day for a week and if you lived here and it was winter you wouldn't be able to dig your way outta your house .. don't get me wrong i am grateful for the rain .. but sometimes i wish we could somehow share it with the people who need it even more .. then everybody would be happy and you wouldn't see all them fires like you been seein out west .. 




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