TBD on Ning

Still 25 degrees at the house.  33 where I work in Seattle area.  This is when I wish I was home in my jammies on the couch watching storage kings or something else half way trashy. Where is everybody??!!

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it's cold on here too,nobody wants to come out and play.

I had to google storage kings. Does that have something to do with auctions?  28F here now and on its way down. Maybe Zero or worse by Sunday Morning.  I will go out deer hunting early in the morning tomorrow but not for long depending on the cold. Life is like a Siberian Prison Camp novel; the cold is your enemy but if you don't brave it, you die of hunger.

I'm not sure that is the real name.  Yes, it is an auction on abondon storage units.  Some times they get some really neat stuff.  My sweety is in Montana hunting.  He had two tags and got two deer.  Freezer will be full!!!

Yep, that is it.  I'm not either but honestly this one is keeps me wondering what is in that unit....

We finally got our first rain of the winter yesterday but the nights are staying warmer, in the low 50's at night 70's during the day, at the moment it is a beautiful sunny day, we've been to the park for a walk, now I have to get busy.

Well, it's not too bad here in the Commonwealth......65..... But raining on and off.

chilly and wet here in the borough

gonna be 82 tomorrow .. its in the 70's now after midnite 




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