TBD on Ning

the last few weeks i been grabbin some old photo albums and scannin the pics onto my computer and i found some interesting shots that i took a long long long long time ago .. and its a little bit late but its still thursday so lets make this a throw back thursday post of pics .. here's one of me where i used a prism lens and i really like the effect .. its hard to get right tho but when you do its really cool .. this is about 30 yeas ago .. wow .. when i look at it thats like half my life ago .. so .. how bout you guys ?? got any older pics from way back when you were good lookin ?? come on .. don't be shy .. you know you got em .. put em up .. come on now .. 

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Ha! I think we have met before.

This was probably about 1972 or so with the lush verdant beauty of Camp Pendleton in the background.

you look pretty studious there shadow .. 

I was in my mid twenties.  I am still under going laser treatment and something called Pelleve treatment on my eye area.  Thanks for asking!

so whens the unveiling dwalt ??  

Pretty Pat!

looks like you're in your basement there pat .. that was also the thing to do way back then .. 

Those are great pictures Pat, I'm going to dig thru my closet and see what I have.

That looks like it is right out of the Mayberry series.

i agree .. it does have that opie kinda thing goin on there chief .. and there ain't nothin wrong with that .. given the choice thats what i'da picked .. rather than the projects .. thats me in the middle sayin hey .. whats the masturbation here ?? you gonna snap that picture or what ?? i ain't standin here all day in this monkey suit so get snappin already and quit breakin my crackers .. .. yeah .. mayberry woulda been a lot better for me .. 




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