well its that time of year.. the nfl playoffs .. this is what all the teams strive for .. you can be 16 and 0 and you lose one game in the playoffs and its all over .. you get to go fishin .. so what do you think about the matchups this weekend ?? any thoughts ??
first up is the kansas city chiefs and the indy colts.. both teams are 11 and 5 .. the chiefs have scored more points this season than the colts and have given up less but the chiefs have been on a losin streak as of late .. the last time these two teams met the colts spanked the chiefs pretty good .. they turned the ball over 4 times .. and the chiefs were at home .. yet the chiefs are favored by 2 and a half points .. and they're playin in indy .. perhaps the chiefs will have better luck in indy but .. i'd take the colts and the 2 and half points ..
next is the philly eagles and the new orleans saints .. in philly .. where its gonna be cold as a witches tit .. the eagles are 10 and 6 and the saints are 11 and 5 .. the eagles have scored a little more but the saints have a little stingier defense .. the eagles are favored in this one by 2 and a half and bein in philly in the cold i think it will come down to the runnin game .. if the saints can run the ball then they have a shot .. they play this game pretty much after the sun goes down so its gonna be brutal .. the eagles have been playin better than the saints these last few weeks and thats the key here .. the one thing that ticks me off about this one is the saints have the better record ..and they have to go to philly cause they were the division winner .. somehow that ain't right .. if you have a better record then the road should go thru you not the other way round .. and that might be the difference here .. if this game was in new orleans i'd say the saints all the way .. but its not . so .. against my better judgement .. i'll take philly and give the 2 and a half points .. what say any of you guys ??
well we're gonna talk about next week .. next week .. tomorrow i'll put up the line for those games too .. one day at a time .. i probably should have done this last week tho .. given everybody a chance to think about it .. we'll know who the pats are playin when this weekend is over ..
i was trying to think if i would go to this game....took me all of 2 seconds to think frick no!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But other athletic activities will go on as planned. Sunday’s NFC wild-card game between the Green Bay Packers and the San Francisco 49ers will play out in bone-chilling minus-5-degree temperatures in Wisconsin.
Regardless of the forecast, fans scooped up the remaining 40,000 tickets needed to sell out the game this week.
they had a picture of a fan at a game with icicles hanging off his goggles and all over his whiskers....all i could think of was it was an IQ test that he had failed...but then that's just me...
I'm with you. I pay no attention to it. In my state the Green Bay Packers are playing and I don't know if they got there TV viewing or whatever or not. Yesterday my mind wandered down a path where I asked myself how much they would have to pay me to watch a football game. I came up with $100 if I could do it from home with the TV and the sound off while I went about other things, $200 if I had to have the sound on. If I had to drive a hundred miles to Green Bay, which I would have to, suffer the cold and the drunken crazed crowd there I figure the price they would have to pay me would be in the thousands.
Go, Niners!
well we had two really good games yesterday .. its gonna be hard to top that .. neither game covered the spread which in both games was only 2 and a half points .. you really can't get games closer than 1 and 2 points .. i have to say the colts sure had a rocky start and it looked like there was no way they would win that game .. i mean come on how do you turn the ball over 4 times and win a game ?? and the short answer is you don't .. especially against a team as good as the chiefs .. and again the answer shoulda been you don't .. but you gotta give credit where credit is due .. they clawed their way back in and won by one point .. win lose or draw you have to admit it was a great game . i think they broke some kinda record with yards gained in a game ..
and the eagles and the saints was another barn burner right to the end .. i have to admit the weather wasn't a factor like i thought it was gonna be .. i was expectin snow and icicles everywhere and wind blowin like crazy which was why i picked the eagles .. but it was pretty calm and there was no problem with the passin game or the kickin game as evidenced by the winnin kick with 3 seconds left .. but another squeeker and a 2 point decision by the saints .. i think the saints are a better team than everyone gives them credit for .. good enough to go all the way ?? perhaps .. at this point they're still in it so anything is possible .. no need to get out their poles and tackle boxes just yet .. i'll be back later with the matchups for today ..
well today we have the san diago chargers at the cinninati bengals for the first game .. the chargers have the worst record of all the playoff teams next to the packers.. i don't see them goin any further than today .. get out their tackle boxes and poles cause they're goin fishin unless there's some kinda miracle .. the bengals are givin 7 points but it should be 9 and a half .. take the bengals ..
and the next game is the san francisco 49ers at the green bay packers .. and this is another one of them piss me off kinda things .. green bay only got in because everybody else in their division was actually worse then they were .. and thats pretty bad .. but because they won their division they get home field and 49ers have to go to greenbay .. and the 49ers record is 12 and 4 .. greenbay's record is 8 and 7 and 1 tie .. man this ticks me off .. how does greenbay get home field .. no way should they . and the vegas line cause they're playin at home is the packers and 3 points .. eeeeeeee.. i don't know what they're thinkin .. but if you're a bettin man and the 49ers only win by 2 you'll win .. i don't think it will be that close .. take the 49ers ( even tho they're playin in greenbay ) and give the 3 points .. give em 6 and half and i think you'll still win .. what do you guys think ??
no worries karin .. i never get upset over sports .. i don't really pull for one team over another all that much .. i just like to see a good game .. in the interest of good sportsmanship and the contest and atheleticism .. if the packers win then they were the better team on that day and were supposed to win .. i'm not on anybodies payroll so there's no gain to be made one way or the other .. its just a game to be enjoyed .. its a shame a lot of other people can't separate themselves from the game like that and they take it so personally .. don't get me wrong its ok to root for your home team .. what i'm referin to is the amout of spousal abuse and fights that go on because somebodies home team lost .. i think superbowl sunday is the number one day for spouse abuse .. all them high hopes and alcohol .. it don't mix well .. especially when you figure that no matter how it ends approx. 50% of the general populace is gonna be pissed .. enjoy the game if your team wins .. and enjoy the game if they lose .. its a game .. thats all .. its not world peace .. its just a game ..
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