well we've all heard about it and some of us have even been there and checked it out .. but truth be told so far i'm pretty underwhelmed .. i wouldn't go so far as to compare it to the obama healthcare website but .. ehh what the hell .. yeah i will .. it has a long way to go before its as nice as this place is .. so in the interest of good faith and good wishes and all that kinda stuff i sent them an email about how they could improve the place .. just the basics mostly and this is what they said .. at least they answered me .. here's my words of advice ..
well just a heads up .. i think you have the right idea .. but your site is sorely lackin for the simple things .. check out the ning sites and see what they can do and you'll understand what i mean .. there's no way to post a pic or a link or a video in any of the responses .. no instant messenger .. and no private messenger .. no way to really gussy up your home page with pics or videos and if you knew how eons was then you'd know how important that is to some of those members .. now maybe you're workin on all that stuff and if you are i hope you get it all in place in time .. but if you don't this big rollout won't be all that different from the obama website if you get my drift .. i hope this helps you .. frenchy
and here's their reply ..
So far I've been there a few times. Veggie started up the "F" thread again and it's like old home week with all the old names. But I also am not very impressed. I wasn't on Eons at the beginning, so I don't know what it was like, but I surely got used to the way it was for all the years I was one. Sigh...one could join in to so many conversations so easily there. I don't think we'll ever see anything like it again.
so postin videos and pics and links is under consideration ?? meanin we may or may not even do it ??
private messagin is in the works .. within the commin week ??
add a custom image to your profile ?? i thought you could already do that ?
and they named themselves boomeon?? but have no intention of emulatin eons ? hmm.. cause it don't make business sense ?? again hmmmmm?????????
so my next email to them was .. exactly what is your unique plan as its a bit fuzzy to me at the moment .. i'll get back when they answer that one ..
what they aren't addressing is the fact that the more music and videos and customizing you do on the profiles and websites, the bigger and deeper the server footprint and the bigger the bandwidth which translates to more costs to the website. they probably don't want to have people looking at it as a business because it detracts from the experience...but in the meantime it is a good fallback.....i was laughing tho about the typical behavior....the different groups...sex and sexuality has 45 members...but no one posting....eons was a hard act to follow because it had been around a while and had a lot of depth
And at Eons, we really grew into a dysfunctional type of family--something we are all familiar with. (Prep at end of sentence--so SUE me, lol.)
It is really not wrong to end a sentence with a preposition so no suit will be pending.
What site are we talking about? Guess I have not looked at it.
yeah i think they have a long way to go .. i wish them well but it don't look like they're gonna make it .. my best advice to everyone here is if you see some of your old eons friends that you lost track of invite em here .. before they go tits up like eons did .. this is a nice site .. its really not that different than eons was as far as what you can and can't do .. its different in the way its setup but once you understand it i don't think its any better or worse than eons .. everyone wants to compare everything to eons because eons was first .. kinda like your first love .. first kiss and first car ( thought i was gonna say sex didn't ya ) come on you know you were admit it .. anyway tho .. eons is long gone .. just like a dog you loved and burried in your backyard .. but then you get another dog . its not the same .. my fluffy dog was a great dog .. this new little fucktard i got is like oddie from garfield .. completely different .. but at some point i'm sure i'm gonna love him just as much ( i hope its soon tho cause he is gettin on my nerves sometimes ) he is fiesty .. so if you get the parallel .. its time to quit cryin over eons .. it was a great site .. we all loved it .. its gone now .. time to move on and make this place just as good .. and we can ya know .. invite the ones you want here .. we can do it ..
The sad thing is that people don't post. There really are only a few who post anywhere. I thought I was pathetic loser liking this online chat stuff so much, but someone asked what the best thing that happened to me in 2013 was and I told this little story and realized that I just LOVE talking to people about whatever and getting them to open up and learning about them, and online is just so convenient. Anyway, here's the best memory I have of last year:
We were in North Myrtle Beach last April at the Beach Cove. We had gone shopping or something early in the day, and by afternoon, it clouded up, a breeze kicked in, a storm was coming. When we got back to the resort, I said, "OOOh, I have to go walk on the beach--it's so beautiful." So I went and found my husband sitting at the outdoor Tiki bar upon my return ( he can't negotiate the sand anymore) with a virgin Pina colada, talking to the barkeep. I joined him, only I had rum put in my drink, and a few other tourists joined us and we sat around on that beautiful overcast day talking to each other about nothing at all. It was perfect. I can feel what I felt that day as I type it again--the cool air moving around me, the clouds rolling around, the utter relaxation, the laughter and conversation and being outside. Thanks for making me think of it.
This is why I think I should own a tiki bar--but I don't want to do any work anymore.
it is a wait and see. i am still focused of facebook because of family and friends...but I reeeely hate facebook...I don't have time for 2 or 3 sites so to spend any time there I would have to give up something. we will see.
The site seems too awkward...much ado about not a whole lot. You can do this or that or do it this way or sort it that way..who cares expert articles for a starting off point or a basis for conversation or discussion... might could be interesting. Course I don't think many have responded to them...seems most are trying to reestablish old eons groups and figuring out how the site works.
So, did some former eons folks have a hand in the site? Or is the eons part of the name just a coincidence?
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