TBD on Ning

now the first story i read about this didn't say anything about whore 8 times....i read the plate as who rates?...course i guess you find what you're looking for...and that says something about some 'good' people with nasty minds...

Driver offended by “WH0 R8X” license plate

Odd News

A Missouri driver did not appreciate the message she saw on the state issued license plate that she recently received. KTVI Fox 2 News reported that Deb Levy’s new plate read “WH0 R8X” something she was offended by and felt could be read as, “whore eight times.” It’s a message, placed below the state’s nickname the “Show Me State,” that is insulting to Deb.

Deb Levy takes offense to a state issued license plate she recently received. (KTVI)

In KTVI’s report the upset driver said, “I’m driving around with that plate and people go, ‘Oh there’s a [bleep]. There’s a [bleep].’” She added, “Who wants to drive around with that word on the back of your car? Would you?” Deb’s teen daughter Abigail agrees with her mother saying, “Yeah it’s probably not a good idea to drive it.”


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ehh .. the lady might have a point .. it might not have been done on purpose .. the old sayin if you put a bunch of monkeys in a room with typewriters for a long enough time sooner or later you'll get a copy of war and peace .. ehh.. maybe not .. but this ?? its a lot more likely .. ( not sayin the people down at the dept of motor vehicles are a bunch of monkeys ) .. well maybe a little bit i am.. 

ok come on its just a joke .. i'm not really serious .. 




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