I just attended my 50th H.S. class reunion. Upon reflection I realize that my life is getting shorter and that I should attempt to do some good works prior to departing planet earth. I think I have determined how I can best serve my fellow man (actually women). As I understand it many Muslim terrorists believe that they will gain heaven and receive around 19 virgins to carnally serve them. I can't believe that there is an abundance of virgins around which leads me to believe that if they are correct in this belief .......almost all virgins who go to heaven will have a terrorist anxiously awaiting their arrival. I am thus offering to deflower virgins so that they may have a chance for a better life in the afterlife. One problem is that in my 68 years on this planet I have yet to have sex with a virgin......but if it wasn't such a difficult task I guess more men would be doing it........so there you have it.
I'm starting to feel real good about myself.....as Dell says....I live to serve.
The timing on this may be delayed. In my first effort to find such women, in order to save them, 2, of the first 5, I asked slapped me, 1 screamed and ran, and the other two are still laughing... I shall not give up, well maybe slow down a little.
It is a dangerous game you are playing Dell. Women aren't always truthful.
Now you tell me dwalt. Where were you when I pledged my troth? .....and what is a troth anyway? Those ex-wives of mine turned out to be deceitful......they were supposed to love and obey me....I even had Peggy March's "I Will Follow Him" played at both wedding ceremonies. I gave husbandry my best shot (so to speak).....I was even faithful in my careless way. All for naught.
Continue your quest Dell.....there is a special place in heaven for guys like us.
There's still no virgins there. Ya'll are looking in all the wrong places. And I don't vwant anyones left over troth...
Their Virgins will only be virgins for a minute then what~~
Who has been talking?
I can go 2 minutes on a good day.
i commend your mission .. alas i haven't known any virgins since i was in the 9th grade .. if i had known the importance of your mission i might have saved a few for ya uno ... nahh .. no i wouldn't .. i can't lie to you .. i did my share of cherry pickin in my day and if it wasn't me then it woulda been somebody else.. them cherries don't hold out all that long ..
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