TBD on Ning

We just had a mini conversation on FB about getting our SS checks and that making us among the seniors citizens. 

It started me thinking about the things I do now that are just old people things.  For example, I have always been a night owl and still am. But if it's cold out, and dark, I might choose to stay in.  So instead of dinner out on Saturday night when every place in NJ is packed to the gills with young 'uns, I might be the one to say, lets just eat in tonight and go out for a nice meal tomorrow in the daylight.

What are some things you notice in your "boomer" behavior?

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Wow, those of you in your 50's are all still young young young, the biggest thing going on for me personally is the time it takes to do simple things that I thought nothing about doing 10 years ago. Now it isn't easy to get up on a stool and reach a light fixture to change a bulb.  OR scurry up some stones in the garden to reach and prune some trees, even washing the floor is different I no longer get down and do hands and knees, it's the mop for me. I dread vacuuming out the car and doing other simple tasks.

I'm not doing so bad for 68 & 3/4. I'm hoping I can hold ground for the 70's. I keep on exercising and walking 2 100 lb dogs every day, gotta have some muscle.

Our biggest change is going out for lunch a lot more than going out for dinner. It's easier to stay at home in the evening.

The two biggest things I've noticed that give me old fart status are...one, I don't multitask as well as I used to.... being a teacher makes it a big deal for me...two...not as much stamina anymore either...naps can be my friend these days.

I mostly have trouble remembering that I'm 62. Still have a lot of energy, mainly just tired of the 8-5 workday... Keep thinking I have a boatload of time left....

ehh.. i'm no different than any of you .. i've slowed way way way way down .. there was a time when there was a party i'd always be the last one to crash .. everybody else would be kacked out and i'd still be up in the corner playin my guitar or somethin .. now .. not so much .. my buddy came over the other nite and i didn't take a nap .. big mistake on my part .. naps are my friend now .. so around 1am he's shakin me .. hey.. hey.. hey .. whatsa matta you ?? uhh what ?? you were sleepin .. no i wasn't .. i just shut my eyes for a minute .. no way bubba jay .. i counted your dead ass out .. and .. it was kinda hard to refute the cold hard evidence .. i was layin on my back on the couch with the bass in my hand .. last song i remembered playin was lady madonna .. after that its all a blur .. i'm havin a lot more of them ..uh.. blurry moments .. and its funny this subject should come up now .. nancy just turned 55 on the 3rd of dec.. so naturally i had to kid her about it .. sometimes maybe i go too far ?? ehh.. who gives shit .. if she ain't toughened up by now .. i told her she was old enough to live in a 55 and over community now .. cause she was over the hill .. she gave me that pout with the lower lip askin me am i old now ?? over the hill ?? i said oh yeah you are .. she said well lets hope its not that steep of a hill .. i said are you kiddin me .. you're over the edge of a cliff now ..there ain't no gentle green grass slope you can roll softly down .. hell no .. nothin but rocks and trees and all kinds of shit for you to bounce offa .. no soft landins .. thought she was gonna cry .. so i figured i'd try to cheer her back up .. so i told her to look on the bright side .. whats that she asked .. i said you get to live here at the billy bob redneck resort with me .. ( thats what i call my little homestead i have here complete with the pool and the circular driveway that i put in myself .. i call it my polish interstate ) she said whats so good about that ?/ i said well up to now you were actually breakin the rules livin here .. but now because you're 55 its all legit .. she said but you own this place .. i said yeah i do .. but rules are rules ya know .. i'm not sure how much longer i coulda kept sneakin you in .. now that you're old .. i don't have to anymore .. 




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