TBD on Ning

Hagel and the Obama are giving parts of their salaries back in solidarity with the public workers hurt by the sequstration.  It makes sense.  I hope more follow.  Do you think it's a trend?  Do you think companies will be doing the same with the 400xs more CEO salaries? Is this post about politics? Or human nature?



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Damn .... Most i ever made in one year was $25,000 ..... The sacrifice of 5 percent will go to his taxes in return help out his bill . 

Add Kerry to the list.  Yes, it's merely symbolic, but the flag is just a symbol, too.  Add up all the symbolic gestures and it could mean a little more respect for the people.  I like the trend, even  though they are to cuckoo birds who caused the problem to begin with.

My son retired as a Major in the Marine Corps, after serving 21 years, two of those in Iraq. Altogether he has attended a school of one sort or another for 19 of his 44 years. He has a degree in Engineering Physics, and a Masters Degree in Military Science. Since retiring, he has worked as a defense contractor, supervising the building, equipping and staffing of an Information Operations Agency on Quantico. He now works for the NRO, sending satellites into space.....some of which are the ones that provide you with your GPS. He makes just about exactly six figures a year. I believe he has earned the right to earn that money. He came up the hard way.....raised by a single mom on the bad side of the tracks. I do not begrudge him his pay. They have been put on furlough, due to sequestration, so he has been reduced to 4-day work weeks, thereby taking a 20% pay cut. 20% less pay hits him just as hard as it would anyone. Living near DC as we do, the cost of housing here is astronomical, and the commute every day takes up 3-1/2 hours of each day, plus gas. His wife isn't working because of an accident she was in last year, and I am retired, so I'm not contributing.....although I do support myself to a great extent. Believe me, he will feel the pinch.
But one thing puzzles me.....if we are so broke that we have to slash these budgets....how come they just put up a notice advertising 400+ new positions open in government, and we are this minute building 2338 new homes in my county alone.....not one of which can be bought for less than half a million? Who's moving into these houses? And now they say "tens of thousands" of new jobs will go to "navigators" who will work to help implement government health care. Are they going to buy these houses? My son sure couldn't afford to buy one!
I'm curious.....how much money should someone earn for dodging anti-aircraft guns?

I honor him for his service to our country . He's earned it out right ...




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