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Molestation ?

How Often does it happen in family's ?

I imagine much is kept secret ....

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So far as I know, there has never been any of that in my family in the last couple of generations, at least.  I surely felt safe everywhere I went and with everyone I stayed with.  My uncles were great, my grandfather was a kind, decent, strong man, and I really knew almost nothing about child molestation (in families) when I was little.  I was accosted once when I was five by some strange man in the alley behind our house, but he never touched me.  He was into exhibitionism.  I told my mom; she brought a policeman to see me to get a description, but as far as I know, they didn't find him.  No harm done, though.  But when I grew up.....I found that my three best friends were molested...one by an uncle, and the other two by stepfathers.  Several of my kids' friends had come from homes where that was an issue.  And, after all these years....I believe my mother displayed all the classic symptoms of someone who'd been molested.  I know she hated her father; she called him, "That Man".  I know my grandmother moved out in the middle of the night with her two girls.  But my mom's younger sister had a relationship with her father after the divorce that was genial, and even spent time with him and his new wife.  She swears he never laid a hand on her.  So I'll never know for sure.  But it would explain a lot of the issues my mom had.  And maybe why my father worked so hard to "protect" her.  Also, recently, my ex wrote me a letter in which he told me his estranged niece had written a letter to him explaining that her dad.....my ex's oldest brother (now deceased)......had repeatedly molested her when she was young, which is why she left home so early and hadn't been heard from since.  So, it's an issue.  Apparently a big issue.  I can't believe how lucky I was not to have had it happen to me or my kids. 

well its not everybody thank goodness .. but i do think there's more goin on than is admitted to .. there were a few older girls where i grew up who thought i was kinda cute and they would touch me .. but i have to admit i don't feel abused about it .. i pretty much said don't stop ..or lets do this again .. in an hour .. i think the real problem is when its an older man or woman and a much younger child .. it's kinda hard to call it abuse if its two kids of about the same age who are both willin .. i mean in a case like that who do you blame for the abuse ?? the girl of 15 or the boy of 14 ?? so i don't think you can really lump that in in this discussion .. and even the girl of 16 and a guy of 18 is kind of a stretch if she's willin . i think you have to concentrate on the adults who prey on their kids or nieces or nephews or next door neighbors.. those are the real abusers  and they should be prosecuted ..  

Just in a 7 mile circle there are over 50 registered sex individuals living near me . Have you checked how many may be living near you . It's getting scarey just thinking about it .




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