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I love to read, especially about history. It was a favorite class of mine all through school. I also read a lot of crime novels, true crime etc. Are you a reader? What kind of books do you enjoy the most?

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I love reading and History is also a favorite..Looking forward to reading The Paris Wife and a new Mauve Bienchy will be out in Feb...

Big reader here too, love mysteries and history and, when the two are combined.....!

Right now I am reading Meecham's biography of Jefferson and a war novel that won the national book award.  It's in the other room. I think it's called The Yellow Birds.  It's about Iraq, but so beautifully written and it's more about the psyches of the soldiers than the action, of which there is some.  I also picked up Michener's Alaska.  I love the way starts off with the first ameba in the area.  This book starts off:  Thirty billion years ago.....


Sometimes I just read bits and pieces of books, as I will do with Michener's.  Since I don't teach English anymore, I don't have to read anything I dont want to, hallelujah!

I read Jefferson, enjoyed it too. Michener's Alaska was one I read a long time ago, and it was long but worth every bit of it to me. I still think of it when watching TV shows about Alaska, which now seem so plentiful. In fact, I have read quite a few of his books and they do go into great detail which sometimes I guess can get kinda boring.

I love Stephen King and have read pretty much every book he's put out and a few of his ebooks. I think that some of those kindle books are kind of pricey but I guess that's just in my head. Although I really do enjoy the kindle (I have the plain one, not even a backlight) it just seems odd not to be holding a book I just paid 12 or 14 dollars for. I mean the BOOK, paper etc. That's something I need to get used to I guess. It sure is nice when traveling to just take one little kindle instead of 10 LB of books. 

Most of the writers mentioned here are ones I've read too. Agatha Christie was the one that got me into reading mystery but I didn't read too many of her books. I need to get back to her. 

I love mysteries....ever since I was a kid and read Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys mysteries.  Then I graduated to Agatha Christie.  Now I love James Patterson, John Kellerman, Patricia Cornwall and Karin Slaughter. 

I love history books...particularly the Civil War period.  My favorite is the 3-book series, "Gods and Generals", "Killer Angels", and "The Last Full Measure".  I also read documentary types.  I recently read "1776".  Very imformative, yet narrative.

I have read Bill O'Reilly's "Killing Lincoln", and now am reading "Killing Kennedy". 

My favorites are mysteries, started young with Agatha Christie she was a genius, I also love suspense and spy type books. Have to have a biography once in a while. Love books that make me laugh, just read Must Love Dogs that made me really laugh thru the first half of the book, I was so envious of her family. I have met quite a few authors here in CA and some in WY. My husband is a character in one of Sue Grafton's books "G is for Gumshoe. I read her mystery books when I lived in MI, I was married to my husband for two years before he told me he knew her casually and she interviewed him for the book, he had never read it.

That is awesome Lifesighs.

That's neat, Lifesighs. I've only read a few of her books but enjoyed them. Why didn't your husband read the book? 

He's not into fiction, loves all those science type books or Karen Armstrong, he's a big religious history reader. I found out when his best friend at a party was talking about a Sue Grafton book, my husband casually mentioned he was in one. Since that time there are several other people I know who are in her books. I worked for the City of Santa Barbara, she used some people I know for her plot lines. One was the murderer (only in the book).

I've gotten some of the free ones too. Unfortunately, a few of them were first books of series and I had to buy the next ones to finish the story. Now I pay more attention to what's "free" and make sure it isn't book one. I love the Odd Thomas books by Dean Koontz but the new one in a  kindle book is around 14 or 15 bucks I think, so I haven't purchased it yet. Amazon is killing me...

if you check with your local libraries, they do ebook lending as well as printbook lending. you download the ebook and you have a set amount of time to read it (something like 1 or 2 weeks)...then it vaporizes and disappears from your reader or computer

I have gotten a few ebooks from our local library but they didn't have a big selection and there was a very long waiting list for what I was interested in. I'm glad you reminded me about the library though, I need to see if it's any better.




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