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How did you learn about The Birds and Bees of Love , Sex ?

Did your Parents tell you the Basic's ?

Did your Parents keep you guarded on such things ?

Was there Trust in you to do the right thing ?

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Nobody told me nuthin.

I did have a good time learning. I never found a position that I didn't like.


I was pretty clueless until my late teens, then I started reading love stories and more books it became clearer. No I can't remember anyone in my family or school giving us any facts.

I over heard my parents talking about it one night . But they never come forth to letting me know anything . Maybe that was why i didn't realized women had breast till the 10th grade in Biology class . Teacher had a tight sweater on ....

HAHAHA!!!I I was maybe 10 or 11. My whole family (parents, brother, grandparents, aunt, uncle) was in Canada having dinner in our vacation rental on the lake when I asked what sanitary meant. Someone answered "It means CLEAN."  AND I said, "Well, why does that sign in the bathroom say, "Please dont flush SANITARY NAPKINS down the toilet?!"  There was a snork and a giggle from my 20 something aunt and uncle, some clearing of throats, red faces, and my MOTHER saying, "Hurry up and Finish your dinner and I will tell you later." 

SO, "LATER", I was pulled into a bedroom and Mom explained alittle of the basics but the part that confused me for a LONG time was when she said something like, "When a man gets close to a woman, she gets pregnant" SHe didnt say it like that but she DID say about a man and a woman "getting close" so I thought you got pregnant hip to hip. THANK GOD, I figured out it was a little more involved than THAT by the time I was in junior high. My little brother's babysitter (who was also my best friend's brother and somewhat of a "BIG BROTHER" to me mustve wondered why I suddenly wouldnt let him sit next to me!! LOL!!

Besides eventual experimenting, I think I "learned" about the whole sex thing through the books going around school...Wifey, Endless Love, Forever, How to Make Love to A Man, and the ones my mom had "hidden" in a nondescript bookshelf in the basement "under the steps". It was pretty tough to see an R rated movie those days as there was no cable yet and it was just OUT of the question for parents to let us go to an R movie. Somehow, they didnt seem to mind the Amityville Horror type stuff...it was "safe"...NO SEX in it....LOL!!

Which reminds me......when I was in the 7th grade I was  clueless  about sex and I thought teachers knew everything.

One day a 7th grade teacher told our class "if you don't know about sex now you never will".

That devastating news upset me for a long time. Hell, I still remember that moment vividly all these years later.   

I never really thought about sex or anything close to it until one day i was looking at my self and saw hair growing . That started something that i could not control .....

nobody told me either .. i'm still tryin to figure it out .. i practice every chance i get .. sooner or later i'll get it right .. 

I think I learned from books and experience.  Was I surprised the first time I realized what happened to a man's most protuberant body part when I was, hold on now because I was old already--26.  Just kidding.  I was 16, and I thought, "Oh. Wow!  Neat!" And I had one long term relationship as a woman that was just as the books led me to believe, sigh...

Most everything I learned was the hard way.  I had no one to talk to but fellow clueless girlfriends.  We read what we could, and compared notes.  My mother would've liked me to believe she'd never participated in any of that stuff.  (I guess I was an immaculate conception!)  Sex was what "Those Girls" did.  So when I married my husband, I was terribly inexperienced and nervous.  Thankfully, he was very experienced, respectful, patient and willing to teach.  I learned a lot from him.  Unfortunately for him.... I've learned much more since he and I split. (Poor Bill!) 




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