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'Barbie Man': Florida Man Owns More Than 2,000 Dolls

For one man, Barbie isn't just a childhood staple, but a way of life.

Since 1997, Stanley "The Barbie Man" has collected anything and everything related to the iconic doll and has amassed a staggering collection of more than 2,000 Barbies.

The pink and plastic collection is worth, in his estimation, approximately $80,000.

PHOTOS: Barbie and the Iconic Doll Through the Years

His Florida home is his showcase with his collection covering the walls from the floor to the ceiling.

But his collecting doesn't stop with Barbie, he's also purchased plenty of accessories, including a Barbie plane, pink corvette, and anything else the pint size doll could want.

"Anything that I find at a garage sale that has the B-a-r-b-i-e on it, I'm buying it," Stanley said.

RELATED: C'Mon Barbie, Let's Go Cruising

His most expensive Barbie named 'the Pink Splendor' cost him $975, although he knows a good deal when he sees one. He bought a vintage Barbie for only $4 at a garage sale.

"I think it was like $4. The lady thought it was a reproduction. I played right along, played right along," he told ABC News affiliate WFTS.

After 16 years of collecting Barbies, Stanley has no plans to slow down anytime soon.

He still goes to Barbie conventions and garage sales and is always on the hunt for a Barbie he doesn't own.

"Barbie's not just for little girls. It's for everybody who enjoys quality," he said.

Even though the dolls have overtaken his bedroom, he's happy to share the space.

"You wake up in a good mood, because you always have beauty around you," Stanley told WFTS.


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Replies to This Discussion

hooooweee i might could make some money off this guy...i just know he hasn't got a barbie like mine!

I actually did like Barbie cause she was the first doll that had her legs together.....ooop...LOL....maybe not huh?

I think this is weird, I never liked Barbie for one minute even as a kid. So shoot me.

This is weird too.

wth .....i am at a loss for words....is that the russian girl who had controversy surrounding her being in a beauty pageant cause she was a transexual...

I loved Barbie as a kid and wasn't allowed to have one till I was 12 cause she had boobs, lol. I agree though, this is a bit whacked.




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