TBD on Ning

As a dyed-in-the-wool techno-geek, you'd think I would embrace the "power" and "convenience" of DVR-ing, but I actually fought the urge for quite some time, much to the dismay of my daughter who DVRs everything and has stated many times that she NEVER watches "live" TV --- this goes for sporting events, too. She will start recording, but not start watching, until 1/2 hour or so into the game so she can fast-forward through the commercials! She told me once that if I tried DVR-ing, I'd never go back to watching live TV.

Ok, fast-forward to the present (that previous paragraph was the way it was a couple years ago). I now have DVR capabilities, but use it infrequently. I have learned to record important sporting events just in case something happens and I can't be home to watch it from the beginning - this was especially useful during the NFL playoffs when I "had" to attend a family dinner at a restaurant and I knew I'd be late getting home!

Ok, now what does this have to do with the Big Bang Theory? I'll tell you. One Thursday evening a few weeks ago I was too busy to watch the BBT, so I recorded it. A couple nights ago I checked my DVR listing and saw that I had "accidentally" recorded the entire series, which means that I will have all of this season's BBT's on DVR! I was elated to find out what I was doing - blind luck! I am now caught up with my daughter and will find time on some evening other than Thursday to watch the "new" episodes of the BBT!!!!

What I have found, though is that I have to ask people if they saw a particular show "last night" before blurting out what it was about -- so many people don't watch live TV.

Thank goodness for DVR!

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Replies to This Discussion

I used to do this with my late-night talk shows when I worked, but it just wasn't the same.  I don't care if they DO tape some of them in the afternoon, to me it's late-night fare.  As for BBT, I prefer it when it's on - whenever that may be.  I never watch commercials anyway; I always get up and do something around the house.  When we used to buy and rent movies, they never seemed as good to me as "catching" them when they came to cable.  I have no idea why.




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