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What Walt Disney TV series premiered on December 15, 1954?

Views: 2189

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Com'on now don't give up so quickly. This will be happening this coming month you all.....

Okay this is my last try. Comet Panstars (c/2011 L4)
Discovered by astronomers at The University of Hawaii.

Yes that is  it P.A. Your turn.  The rest of the gang is still dancing the rock and roll. Hope they didn't get too winded. lol

My guess is Halley's Comet, discovered by Bill Halley and the Comets on American Bandstand.

Now that is a winner...?

I give it a 10. It was easy to dance to and had a good beat.

How did the very wealthy and socially prominent Astor family of the 1800's make their fortune.?

That corrupted family that began with John Joseph Astor who was a butcher started with fur trading, opium, and many other corrupted things it's been told that he was also fierce.  The next break came when two men who are now known to have been in the   Illuminati gave John Jacob Astor a special government privilege. The two men   were Pres. Jefferson and Secretary Gallatin--both Illuminati members. The   United States government had placed an embargo on all U.S. ships from sailing  with goods in 1807. But Astor got special permission from these two men for   his ship to sail with its cargo.  Bad, bad people those Astors.

I was just looking for the fur trade but thanks for the extra information. Your turn.

what were the names of the  two American Indian tribes that practiced macrocephaly?

Chinookan and Choctaw?

Can't get anything past you eh? haha- your turn now!




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