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What Walt Disney TV series premiered on December 15, 1954?

Views: 2189

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What' your problem Dennis? Is this an avancular  quotation from Major Bowes'  the Original Amateur Hour ?

Or ???  lol 

My question. thank you P.A. 

470 Million years a go an asteroid bombarded earth as early life began flourishing in the oceans. Where did it land??  Think Dennis. Hee-hee


You got it. Do you recall where?

The northern part I think.
Who was Kenniwick Man and what was unusual about him?

Well he was found on the banks of the Columbus River and they are still trying to find out whether he was of American Indian or Polynesian extraction.  It's still a controversy.

That is good enough but do you know how old his remains were?
Also when they did a facial reconstruction he looked like Patrick Stewart

I think about 7000 years?  I'm sorry but who is Patrick Stewart? Is he the guy from Star Trek? Maybe they are related with the Kennewick man? lol

This comet was discovered two years ago, and has gradually become brighter as it nears both the sun and the Earth. It has not brightened as quickly as anticipated and is currently just visible with unaided eyes. It is approaching Earth from the south so is currently visible only from south of the equator just before sunrise. It is predicted to reach maximum brightness in March when it will get too close to the sun for southern observers, becoming a bright object in the Northern Hemisphere.

Who discovered it?

Holey moley, Captain Picard went back in time to battle the Borg and they kilt him. Left his poor rotting body on the banks of the River. Then the Borg stayed and evolulated into Repubs. 

"Resistance was futile"




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