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What are the songs that define your philosophy of life? Here's one of mine...



Tags: attitude, outlook, you go girl!

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Iggy looked pretty good in his garter belt in the 80s in butt town.

Love it, Funes--classic Iggy.

Here's Iggy in a 90s moment.


Try to Live by...."Don't Worry, Be Happy."
some days not so easy

Great one, Thally. 

a couple energy drinks and this song to start my day:

Great song, darroll.

Whoa--good song, flipper! It gives my ADHD ADHD. :>)

It's a Joe Jackson cover, believe it or not...

This was something I used to use to get me out of bed...

It's an eye-opener, no doubt about it.

I listen to this and the original (Joe Jackson) version.it's a cool song.




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