TBD on Ning

What are the songs that define your philosophy of life? Here's one of mine...



Tags: attitude, outlook, you go girl!

Views: 1524

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how come i'm not allowed to post videos here?,i didn't do anything wrong.or is it just for the priveledged few?

....Maybe yer just not doin' it right.

it works everywhere but here,even regular typing is gray in color,yea,something isn't right.

Flipper--Do you mean you can't post videos on TBD or in the forum in general, or just in this discussion?

I was an administrator on another Ning site and I can tell you that there's no way anyone can take away your ability to post videos. A member can be banned from a group, suspended, or kicked off a site entirely, but they can't have individual privileges taken away. So don't worry about that.

It may be a Ning glitch, or something with your computer. If it keeps up, I'd ask EddieDingo about it.

If you want, for this discussion, I'll go to the link you post and I'll post the video for you until the problem is straightened out. I'm not on TBD all the time, so it may take a little while.

it's just here (your theme song) the box shows up,but no film strip or anything,it's just a blank box,but only here.i appreciate your trying to help.

Would you like me to post your videos until the glitch gets fixed?

Wish I knew what the problem could be...

thank you very much,that is real nice of you.

Okay--so until the glitch gets figured out or rights itself, you post a link and when I see it, I'll post the video.




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