TBD on Ning

I like discussions much more than Chat.  How about You? Why don't we check in here when we come on line and see who else is on? Then check out when we leave.


I'm on.

Views: 982

Replies to This Discussion

I do believe that one of the keys to enjoying tbd is the ability to tolerate posts that you do not agree with, or that might offend you.

Oh, BTW I'm on.  

On what???

I'm back.

Me too.

BTW......you're not here Miss Q.

I'm here, but just for a drive by.

'ello, gang.

Me too, but not for long.


Barny's fav was much easier. I'd buy a whole ham. and slice off enough for us to have several meals. The rest went in to the dehydrator and came out hammy treats, 

I'm here. But I'll be there before I'm back here.

Sounds deelish, Teebs...will you do that for me & have it ready in Feb? '-)

Tx for the recipe, D.D....

I make homemade food to mix w/my dog's expensive gluten free dog food, to get the cost down a little.

Homemade Dog Food Recipe

1 lb Brown Rice, cooked up per instructions

1 extra large or 2 medium sweet potatoes, microwaved for about 8 minutes

2 cans low sodium green beans

When rice & sweet potatoes are cool enough to handle, mush everything together by hand. Mix half & half w/regular dog food, or provide 1 serving of homemade dog food & 1 serving of regular dog food daily.

I use this w/a high-protein, grain-free food, so there's no need for me to add meat or protein to it. If you're incorporating it with food that is not high protein, you may want to add some meat to it.

Christmas is going to be fun this year. I'm hoping for a big snowstorm. I love walking in it. I'm here but when the snow hits , I'll be out there,not that I'm not "0ut there" more or less to a certain extent anyway. Well , you get the idea.




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