TBD on Ning

Suggestions anyone?

Right now take-out Chinese sounds good. Except my favorite place doesn't deliver and I don't want to go out. In the heat. And the rain. And the Tornado warning.


Do you like Chinese food?




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I took the oatmeal cookie recipe and added wheat germ and flax seed and that's dinner.

Another large plate of the leftover Thanksgiving bounty, gently reheated in the oven.  Yee-UM!

No appetite, so far.  The only thing I have left from Thanksgiving is dressing.....maybe that would go good with a couple of hotdogs.

Uh.....this didn't turn out to be all that great.

The other half of the turkey club I had for lunch
I bet the stuffing would have tasted good with that

We're done with leftovers!!

oh, god.... we took a break from them tonight, so we'll have ONE MORE NIGHT of them tomorrow night!


Tonight.... if you just consider the meal, it would be quite lovely. oh, were it so clean & simple.

For a break from Thanksgiving leftovers, I cooked Albacore Tuna, garlic green beans & a lovely little salad w/field greens, tangerine wedges, goat cheese, dried cranberries & walnuts. That would've been a lovely meal,


I got home late from work, had to walk the dogs & then go to the grocery store for the goat cheese & fresh veggies.

....on the way a girlfriend I'd yet to talk to had found out about my dad & called me, so I sat on a bench at the grocery store talking to her for half an hour.

....then once I started grocery shopping, one thing led to another, & I went up & down every aisle & filled the cart (ok, I call it a "buggy," but Ducatiman laughs at me for that ;-p) (...shut up, Quinn)

....so, by the time I got home w/the groceries, Ducatiman was home from work & we were both STARVING, so we filled up on chips & dip & crackers & spinach-artichoke dip while preparing supper. :-P

....THEN, after supper, when we were way too full, we finished off 2 big pieces EACH of my leftover birthday cake, b/c it was getting dry & wouldn't last another day!


Now I'm miserable!! :-(

Damn, Birthday cake should stay fresf for at least month.


No, that's not true cause it would involve a bunch of preservatives. Maybe we should just bake you a cake every couple of days. 

ty, teebs, but I don't think that's such a good idea...

I'm already feeling like this after the past week or so-


...I wanna be as lean & mean & hot as possible in February! '-)

I am treating myself tonight!

Grilled steak, mashed potatoes and salad.

I'm grilling steaks too Quinn. 




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