TBD on Ning

Suggestions anyone?

Right now take-out Chinese sounds good. Except my favorite place doesn't deliver and I don't want to go out. In the heat. And the rain. And the Tornado warning.


Do you like Chinese food?




Views: 11847

Replies to This Discussion

There's still time for a radish or brussel sprout, Deez.

.....or a leaf of lettuce......with copious amounts of Ranch dressing.

kinda defeats the purpose...
that's right, sistah!

@ Stir & Bob:

No thanks.

d's, What did you do for the Klondike Bar?

Yeah, Deez, inquiring minds wanna know.


Me, I think it's gonna be a frozen pizza in the oven. And for the next week it's gonna be microwave crap.I scrubbed the heck outta the stove top today, and I don't think I am gonna cook on it again.

Don't blame you...I wouldn't either.

Chicken Fajitas and Black Beans


And, d's?


You'll be sorry later.


I will NOT be sorry later, WHAT are you talking about?


...I'm nuking some breakfast sausage as we speak.

I feel ill just thinking about what you've eaten tonight...
Thin crust frozen pizza & raspberry jello for desert w/ whipped cream. I must have been reading Tbubs mind........




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