TBD on Ning

Suggestions anyone?

Right now take-out Chinese sounds good. Except my favorite place doesn't deliver and I don't want to go out. In the heat. And the rain. And the Tornado warning.


Do you like Chinese food?




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I am the cook Kooner. And a pretty good one at that. I'm also the grocery shopper, and the clothes washer, and the vacuum cleaner runner, and, well you get the idea. Out of a 100 meals, my wife may cook 2 or 3 at most. What do ya want? I make soups, grill steaks, beer battered fish, breaded pork chops, my own spaghetti sauce, veal piccotta, stuffed mushrooms, I bake brownies and cookies, I've been told by multiple people that my wings are the best they have ever eaten. Ask Robbie about my lasagna.
I can cook pretty much anything and do not like most processed foods. We do eat out most of the time for the company. Eating alone all the time is no fun.
Been running errands for three hours, and I'm in no mood to cook. So, it's take-out pizza tonight. Just gotta decide which fine establishment to patronize. Bernie & Bettie's? Gallina's? Luca's? Decisions, decisions...

Scalloped potatoes from a box with ham and cayenne pepper added, and carrots from a can.


Are they most correctly known as escalloped, or scalloped potatoes.  I seems that some people in this neck of the woods add the "ess" sound to the word.

Cooking is an art.  Whether is comes from mixing boxed/canned/fresh items together it takes some thought.  Maybe there isn't any "love" involved but that is neither here nor there.   We need food to live.  We can take the time to create it or we can order out.

I think some professional chefs just love the art of mixing ingredients and the creative end to that.  But mostly if they don't please the patrons they don't have a job.

I love to cook..I like the creative process but sometimes when it's all said and done I really don't want to eat it.   Not that it tastes bad, I'm done "creating".

When I had my family it was a challenge to please everyone.   Some hits...some not so much.  Cereal was always an option. 

I have a "table for one" mostly these days and it can still be a challenge to please me.  I don't like being wasteful and can only do "reruns" once.

Recently I had a offer to have dinner cooked for me.  I've never had that done..just for me.  It could be scrambled eggs and toast for all I care....it will be delicious.

Ha...I am never satisfied with my work..... I have taken it out to my own garage sales & to the corner next to the vegetable man & sold a few pieces... 

People say I do good work & love it when I give it away as presents, but I just don't see perfection.......I dread the though that I could sell a piece of jewelry & one should fall apart. It has not happened yet, but my mind sees this...

The Origami is so artful & so much more work goes into it than the jewelry...It is really a wonderful art I think more people should appreciate..I do a lot of fabric Origami as well & do some pretty neat things with it after I make it..string on beaded hemp & hang on ceiling fans etc........Still perfecting though. I wonder if it will ever be perfect enough for me to sell?

My beaded spiders are really cool & the beaded paper necklaces are really cute......Perfect? No, but getting better & added to the back room collection..woes me.

Thats just it...It will never be excellent enough I'm afraid.. although I did sell a necklace tonight. I know the cashier at the corner store who saw a leather purse I drug into the store after a pow wow & she asked me if I bought it there..when I told her i made it,  she was impressed..I told her about my jewelry & she asked me to bring it in.....I did..she bought a piece tonight & told me seriously she thinks I do good work.....Wonder if I will ever wrap my head around the fact that I actually do good work?
Your telling me ...My dad did a whammy of a job convincing us we were not good enough.....The job that man did convincing us  held over after all these years..You would think knowing that would  make it easier to change that fact......At least now I can create...when I was a child, it was damn near impossible...I suppose I have come a long way......:}. There is hope with friends like you with encouraging words..Thats what it's about I guess...The love...Thanks LJ.
Someone once told me we spend our whole lives trying to please our parents...dead or alive, whether we know it or not we are still trying to please them....My thought is this....if they were unpleaseable then, you will not be able to please them now. Guess it's about time to start pleasing ourselves. The other is unattainable......What your dad did stinks....What a old fart....Eldest has nothing to do w/it but I suppose parental favorites might......I was not a favorite which made me strive harder, in some cases it makes people withdraw further.

I had LC tonight...Tuna noodle ...I liked it well enough.

Pot stickers or dumplings.....I love them.

Oatmeal....sometimes food is just fuel.

Corned Beef







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