TBD on Ning


Merlot or hard cider.... Merlot or hard cider....?


Could be book or TV... book or TV....?


Shower or not... Shower or not....?


TBD or fb... TBD or fb...?




Chores or read a magazine...


Laundry or clean the kitchen...


Crossword or Sudoku...


What's for After Dinner?

Tags: Beer, Chores, Clean the Kitchen, Homework, Laundry, Scotch, TBD, TV, What's for After Dinner, Wine

Views: 226

Replies to This Discussion

nope. had a bowl of cereal first. Then decided I was still in the mood for ice cream, so I had a little ice cream. Now I'm quite full.


hey - might you be coming to Atlanta this summer w/Jaylee?

I would certainly hope so....



...skipped the ice cream. went for the Redbridge. surfin' tbd in bed w/dogs laid out in sight. life is good.
I'll probably move away from the 'puter, plop by butt in the recliner, and watch some mindless TV.

Amos Lee's concert. My favorite singer songwriter. I've seen him 3 x in the last year. sigh... he's great.

A Scotch, a little tbd checkin & hopefully a nice remainder of the evening w/my guy.

Well, TeeBub just said it was beer:30, so I think I'm gonna have a Hornsby's, and hang out w/you guys for awhile. I feel like I've hardly been here this week, and when I have it's been kinda empty. I've missed you guys!

I'm really full, but I thought a little later I might try some melon with a dollop of plain lowfat yogurt.  I'm seeking new culinary delights to try to trick my taste buds into thinking its actually a lot of proccessed sugars that's passing over them on its way down the hatch.
I guess i will just watch baseball. Braves v. Mets or maybe one of the stupid movies on SyFy.

P.A., y'all need to come down here for a Braves game in person. I told ya I'd put you up.

I'll even feed you a meal or 2. :-)

Have to wait a while the IRS just took all of my money. Not complaining but I wish everybody who made more money than me had to pay as much. If so we probably won't have a debt problem




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