TBD on Ning

The 2nd Amendment as passed by the Congress:

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."


Is it just me, but I'm not seeing any threat to my right to keep and bear Arms, in any of the current talk about gun control. We may need a little more regulation on who can obtain guns and stricter penalties for those who miss used guns or any weapons.

Also, what is with those people who claim the 2nd Amendment is for protection from our own government, in case it really goes wrong. This is not logical. Our government now has many "weapons of mass destruction". Any body remember the Civil War. The South did not fair to well in that war. Now the government has tanks, airplanes, submarines, missiles, tactical nukes and other horrifying weapons.

I interpret 2nd Amendment as our right to aid in the defense of our country and freedom, against  threats from outside forces.

Oh yes, I'm a gun owner. We have several guns. I even have an SKS (semi-automatic clone of an AK-47) with a 30 round magazine. So if the Zombies attack, I'm ready. :-)

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what does obama have to do with that? same as the ceo of walmart doesn't know that cletus wipes his boogers on the carts he brings in from the parking lot...there is no fricking way the head honcho knows all the minutiae down at the ground level...

and federal law trumps state law...state law trumps local law....otherwise you have these fuckwits running the circus...

Texas leaders take aim at gun control plan

Posted: Wednesday, January 16, 2013 10:43 pm | Updated: 8:55 am, Thu Jan 17, 2013.

AUSTIN — Top leaders declared Wednesday that federal gun control measures unveiled by President Barack Obama are most unwelcome.

“As a free people, let us choose what kind of people we will be,” said Gov. Rick Perry, who questioned Obama’s authority to limit gun rights under the Second Amendment. “Laws, the only redoubt of secularism, will not suffice. Let us all return to our places of worship and pray for help.”

Perry’s swift and strong-worded response came after a White House ceremony where Obama unveiled plans behind a $500M gun violence package

Perry said “no gun law could have saved” the children slain there and suggested instead, “Above all, let us pray for our children.”

“The piling on by the political left, and their cohorts in the media, to use the massacre of little children to advance a pre-existing political agenda that would not have saved those children, disgusts me, personally,” the governor said in a statement.

First-term state Rep. Steve Toth reacted to Obama’s announcement by organizing a rally Saturday on the steps of the state Capitol to protect the Second Amendment. He will be joined by Land Commissioner Jerry Patterson.

Toth has introduced a bill in the Texas House seeking to ban statewide any federal ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. The proposal by the Republican from The Woodlands would allow Texas police officers to arrest federal law enforcement officers attempting to enforce any such ban in the state.

“We can no longer depend on the federal government and this administration to uphold a Constitution that they no longer believe in,” Toth stated in a press release issued by his office, The Courier previously reported. “The liberties of the people and the sovereignty of our state are too important to just let the federal government take them away. The overreach of the federal administration’s executive orders that do not align with the Constitution are not very popular here in Texas.”

Toth has appeared on television stations throughout the state and the country, promoting his legislation — even though the U.S. Constitution mandates that federal law prevails when contradicted by state law.

Meanwhile, fellow Republican and Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott targeted new gun control measures just signed by New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo with a web ad campaign launched Wednesday. Bankrolled by Abbott’s campaign funds, it invites New Yorkers who feel their state’s firearms laws are now too restrictive to move to Texas (see 7A).

see? the answer is to the gun violence is prayer.....( rolling my fricking eyes )

 "Toth has introduced a bill in the Texas House seeking to ban statewide any federal ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. The proposal by the Republican from The Woodlands would allow Texas police officers to arrest federal law enforcement officers attempting to enforce any such ban in the state."

...OMFG these guys are morons.

do people even realize that , while the NRA takes the position that there should be no new laws on gun control except keeping them out of the hands of the mentally ill, they also are against background checks...which would define who the mentally ill are they think should have guns kept away from....that , boys and girls, is a big fucking bucket of selfserving duh which translates to "we don't give a shit who gets shot down as long as it engenders MORE people buying guns and ammo..why, we could have our own individual citizens arms race here..."

"The NRA is about money. The NRA is about protecting gun manufacturers and retailers and people that, let's face it, they make millions and millions of dollars off of the tragedy in Newtown. And if they did...uh ..if they were concerned about their membership, they would be very concerned about the fact that their extremist positions are actually going to push voters away from Republicans and the greatest threat to the Second Amendment right now is not an assault weapon ban that Scalia didn't guarantee in his opinion in Heller, it's the fact that Republicans will keep going so far right that voters continue to elect Democratic Presidents who nominate Supreme Court Justices that overturn Heller and suddenly the Second Amendment isn't about the right to keep and bear arms. Extremism is, right now, the biggest threat to the Second Amendment."
                                                                                    Joe Scarborough

I asked a friend (gun nut, jesus freak, & tea bagger -- but I love him:0) if he heard t Obama's speech / policy / executive orders yesterday.  He didn't have a clue but the first thing out of his mouth was, "That's unconstitutional the president can't make laws!"  He didn't know what I was talking about when I reminded him that "W" made 345 Executive Orders, just during his last term.

I doubt that you changed his mind.

"mind' is such a generalized term for that cluster of cells, don't you think?


Mike Morrison, gunsmith at Conroe Shooting Center & Gun Emporium, said the effort is a waste of taxpayer money, a violation of the Second Amendment and another example of the government taking away personal liberties.

“It’s the first step in a series of efforts to erode our rights as Americans,” Morrison said. “Whatever we allow them to do today, they’ll want just a little more tomorrow.”

Tom Gaskins, of Willis, said he was glad to be living in Texas, where state Rep. Steve Toth, R-The Woodlands, has announced plans to file a Firearms Protection Act that would make federal laws passed by Congress or executive orders related to the ban of semiautomatic weapons or high-capacity magazines illegal in the state – and would call for felony criminal charges against any federal official attempting to enforce them.

Several buyers were at Shooter’s Station in Conroe Wednesday to purchase firearms and ammunition they fear will become hard to find in the coming months. One Conroe man, who declined to have his name used, purchased three assault rifles, 30 higher-capacity magazines and a stockpile of ammunition.

“I’m buying these for personal protection,” he said. “But I’m also buying them to protect myself from what the government might try to do.”

Among Obama’s directives are a number that address stricter coverage and enforcement of background checks for weapons buyers and a ban for people with mental disorders. Morrison acknowledged the concern but said it is a slippery slope when the government begins mandating who can have weapons and who can’t.

“Where do you draw the line?” he asked. “And who gets to decide?”

"gee willikers...i mean if crazy people can't get guns, why they might could include me in that....after all, people been saying i'm crazy for years and we all know that ain't true"

And Problem, how is it that that same "cluster of cells" can produce both an Albert Einstein and an Adolph Hitler?   Genius and evil.  Love and hate.  But that's getting away from the subject. A subject for another day.

maybe kind of like a diamond cutter can use a tool to reveal brilliance....and an idiot can use the same tool to smash his thumbnail?




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