TBD on Ning

Whether you support this guy:

Or this one:

Can we keep it fun?

Tags: Politics, humor, play_nice

Views: 10596

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If I was a kid I would stay doped up too.

You ARE fucked up all of the time, darroll.

I'm sure you blame that on liberals, too. I bet you blame black teenagers every time you slam your head in the oven door. Every time you stab yourself in the eye with the spoon you're using to eat your Spaghetti-O' s straight out of the can, you blame illegal aliens or Al Gore. Nothing's ever the fault of poor, unappreciated, stupid, drunken, pig-fuckin', master-race darroll.

Snagg!!!! You shouldn't insult pigs like that.


    I hope they did not go to Department of Health Education and Welfare Schools.


    We think going to school and not getting an education is comical.


    The big spenders want to give our kids a free college education.


    Is this the same as sending a fool to school and getting an educated fool?


    My stats:


    1/4 of Americans are too dumb for school.


    1/2 will be flunkies for life.


    1/4 will get the good jobs.


Great choices .

Paula can cook, I wonder if she can make tacos?

You forgot Mr Magoo.

Hey, Bubba - You left darroll off that list.

Sorry about that Snagg. I bet he could give the cabbage a run for it's money. Or not.

At least we are self sufficient.

No I got screwed around here.

Y'know, darroll....

Talking to yourself, in public -

And then ANSWERING yourself, especially in incomprehensible, self-referencing gibberish -

Doesn't exactly make you look less stupid.




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