TBD on Ning

Whether you support this guy:

Or this one:

Can we keep it fun?

Tags: Politics, humor, play_nice

Views: 10596

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A Man.

How drunk are you darrol?? I think you must be plastered most of the time. Beer? Could be, but I don't think so. Vodka, hmmm, possibly, but you seem to me to be a Scotch or gin drunk. Nothing else I can think of makes sense to me after reading your posts. Give your liver and us a break, you need to get in a program where you can get the help you desperately need. 

Bud Light

We are stockholders in our secret off shore account that the US government taxes before we get our dividends.

Tax and spend, tax and spent.

I just listened to FOX and Shepard  says he reads the NY times. Talk about a left wing fish wrap.

Bush learns, others never get it.

Atta Boy.

Something tells me you were the dumbest one in your class. The dumbest one, who was convinced that he was the smartest one in the class, including the teacher.

I'd bet money you flunked out of high school. And you blamed everybody but yourself for it. The teacher was a "liberal", or a "n****r", or a "jew", or the other students were "n*****s" or some other ethnicity, or they were "ass kissers", so they got special treatment, or any number of bullshit excuses for the fact that you were just too damn stupid to pour piss out of a boot.
But, being as you were (and still are) too stupid to pour piss out of a boot, those excuses worked perfectly fine for you. Then as now, you I've got your little fantasy world where all of your laughable failures as an American and as a man and as a human being are because thousands of people who don't even know you exist were "out to get you ", because you're a big bad white male in 'Murica, so the fact that everything you expected wasn't handed to your dumb ass must be because of some conspiracy by your " inferiors", against their natural leader and ruler: You.

You can admit it, darroll - If this was 1938 Germany, you'd have been first in line to join the brown shirts, because SOMEBODY had to keep the "mud people" in line, had to remind 'em who god put in charge. You assjole.



I can still look at myself in the mirror. I think you two blacks are trying to get me to say something about your people. Hell I have never seen too much about your people that bothers me if any.


I gave Freeman (a black guy) his first job. He was a fine employee and stayed with our Company for 30 years. I didn't see any hate in his heart/mouth for white people like so many have now. I hate to say it but... I would not hire a black today.


Oh please tell your black buddy tbd that with no money for medical bills, you are going to die. Obama Care or not. Remember who new doctors practice on, the not so good lower end of society. (The wino's, dynos and ding bats).


I’m not sure if the Republicans will help the unfortunate/expendable people. They have never had the chance.

The whole world has their undesirables. Mark off 1/3 and take care of the rest of humans.


Sounds like another drunk rant to me.




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