TBD on Ning

Whether you support this guy:

Or this one:

Can we keep it fun?

Tags: Politics, humor, play_nice

Views: 10586

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War does not determine who is right, only who is left.

This has been really bugging me. 

Coming from someone who has made his stance on liberals abundantly clear, this image implies that liberals are cowards and that, in some mysterious way, being a liberal doesn't mix with patriotism or with being a member of the military.

My family--both nuclear and extended--have been Naval and Marine officers for generations. That's ALL my family, including males and females. And, they are almost without exception liberal democrats.

My father, an uncle, and two cousins have received the Navy Cross for courage "while engaged in action against an enemy of the United States."  One cousin, who was medically retired after Vietnam, received the Congressional Medal of Honor for repeatedly running into machine gun fire to rescue several of his men. He was wounded so severely, he spent over 3 years in the hospital/rehab facility.

Several of my family have died in service to our country. All of my family members gave up other, far easier lives for life-long military careers out of a sense of deep commitment and love for America. Is that patriotic enough for you? 

My response isn't funny, but neither is that offensive poster.

The problem is that the troll who posted the meme that offended you doesn't give a xxxx - He (She ? IT ?) WANTED to offend.

Because being offensive is what they can get away with - As opposed to pushing their luck by actually getting physical.

Which, of course, only points out just how brave and tough the trolls REALLY are. (Damn near every troll I've had the misfortune of actually meeting, were weak, chickenxxxx, angry little copycat nobodies that just about xxxxxx their pants when the prospect of getting their xxx whooped for their lame posts was floated as a very real possibility.)

I understand your coming to the defense of liberalism and free thought, but those are the LAST things trolls care about; It tickles them to be xxxholes - Which, it must be said, does have it''s time and place - But trolls are never anything BUT attention-craving xxxholes.

Which is one of the reasons they worship Fat xxxxxxx - He's the most successful 24-7 brass-plated xxxhole in the world, and the trolls like to lie to themselves that imitating that miserable piece of xxxx makes them a little bit more like him.

snagglepuss,you have to get a job,you have to move out of your parents basement,i'm tired of paying taxes to support your dead xxx

note the bright pink pussy costume

Image result for snagglepuss

You WISH I'd take your bait.

It's as old, stale and obvious as your hairpiece.

Without Facebook, who would I know to vote for?

Love that place, this girl called me every name in the book.

I said chick and they censored me.. For bad language.

I love it, I censored them.




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