TBD on Ning

Whether you support this guy:

Or this one:

Can we keep it fun?

Tags: Politics, humor, play_nice

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Oh, NOW I get it.

DONALD TRUMP isn't corrupt, but everybody else is.

People who like Trump are people of integrity, but nobody else is.

People who believe anything Big Religion says are corrupt fools, suckers taken in by a big, flashy roadshow and a red-faced, screaming liar...But people who believe anything Donald Trump says are smart cookies who clearly see the wisdom and honesty of a big flashy roadshow and red-faced, screaming liar.

Powerful news sources can't be trusted...Says the man who gets all his opinions from FOX News.

Fidel Castro is a dirty lying commie....Until he says something that  darroll thinks  might help darroll win an argument.

I swear, darroll....If the producers of a TV show introduced a character as dumb and clueless as you, the audience would go "Ohhh, Come on - NOBODY'S THAT stupid".

Tell me, darroll...Do you know who Joseph Goebbels was ?

I don't watch Fox news anymore. I watch CNN they are more balanced than Fox.

Just watch the Trump campaign and see who is fighting Trump because he is going to clean up the mess in Washington.

2 big churches are worried big time. Plus others.

It looks like that every time we get a tax increase, Big Church, big news, Big politicians get a piece of the pie.

How can about 90% of the politicians retire rich?

Then you think that every time I get paid I steal it from a poor person.

Get real, Jack

Trump's been hobnobbing and buddy-buddying with Washington political insiders for decades, getting exceptions made for his deals where he didn't want to have to pay Americans to make shit he could get made cheaper in China, or when he wanted to skip away from yet another bankruptcy -

And you think he going to become president solely so he can put an end to all of that.

See, darroll.....This is the kind of raging ignorance I'm talking about when I say that you're INCREDIBLY STUPID. Trump will come over with a case of beers and paint your house before he lifts a finger to "fix" the corruption that he and other 1%'ers depend on to fatten their bankrolls, you fucking moron.

Trump is only running because of his kids.

Trump also builds buildings and has other businesses.

Do you really want to live in this country or sit back and accept the massive corruption.

Trump must be doing something right, he now has to wear a bullet proof vest.

...Do you know how many dictators through history have had to wear bullet-proof vests ?

"Running for his kids" ? He has "other businesses" ? What the fuck are you talking about ?

You know, darroll, you really are dumb. I mean, not just casual, "I-play-the-powerball-everyday-so-I'm-due-to-win" dumb, but DUMB dumb. There's no other way to explain the bizarre mish-mash of gibberish and irrelevant factoids that make up your "proof" that Trump is an angel sent from heaven to save America.

Actually, come to think of it, there is another explanation for your seriously fucked-up thinking : You're not just dumb, you're also mentally ill. Paranoid, delusional in the schizophrenic sense, a pervading grandiose sense that you're some sort of super-smart, noble hero but no one realizes it, an intense desire to live in a fantasy world and to react against those who prefer reality by calling them "traitors" and "enemies"....More and more, you show the markers for some form of psychosis.

Which actually makes you just a shade pathetic, rather than the merely despicable asshole that you've always been on these boards; What I'd like to know is : Are my tax dollars contributing to the payment of your anti-psychosis meds ?

I'm not complaining, mind you - There are lots of people with your problem all over the country, and, they really do honestly need some of the government-supported services and help that low-life cunts like you call "socialism". It's not their fault, after all, that their brain chemistry circuitry has a few shorts in it.

I mean, look at you - You're a fucking scumbag, darroll, but you'd be a fucking scumbag even if you were as sane as the next guy.

But I'd like to know, just because it would be one more piece of form-fitting, bitter irony that describes the raving shitshow that is your brain, your morality and your world view.

A dyed-in-the-wool piece of shit like you, always bitching about the "nothings" and the "undesirables", who are "sucking on the government tit" to pay for their "perversions" amd "laziness"  - While you're secretly gobbling up all the dopamine or clozapine you can get your grubby little hands on, and all on someone else's dime -

It would be just like you, darroll. That kind of greedy, shameless hypocrisy describes you to a fucking "T".

You selfish prick. Say hi to Dr. Benway for me.

Can you afford to get off of crack and buy cocaine?

I realize that a crazy person would think that your post has a point, or is even "witty".

It is, however, neither of those things. It's only witty or relevant if you get all your info from wingnut bloggers, an echo chamber like FOX News or if you are living in the kind of fact-repelling bubble that is common to the neurochemically unbalanced.

...You actually think anybody here is stupid enough to click on a link from you ?

Dream On, dumbass. Fuck knows what kind of virus-loaded computer bugs are probably crawling all over the porn sites you inhabit...

Mouses are complicated.

It's about importing unknowns across the border.

Our prez is having a fit and trying to get whoever did the footage.

I'm sure yo have a direct line into the White House and know exactly what Obama is doing at any minute of the day, as well as what's happening in his mind.

You dumb fuck.




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