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you would change about your life? If you could make just one change, what would it be?

Tags: change, future, restless

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Shy is one thing I am not.I find more peple in the supermarket isle when I have the time.
win a million dollar lottery
It can happen at 57---if you have all the parts in place. Just read the books. You would make a wonderful new mommie. We would all help. Bet that firemen would contriute.
To be the kind of person my former wife's dog thinks I am.
I would change my step daughter. I would have her be a more stable, honest, and trustworthy person, so I could love her again.
I would be rid of my shyness.
I don't think your shy around Texans.
Thank you, Aggie!
Me too.
I would've pushed that old lady down the stairs. She was really asking for it.
I would live somewhere warmer. And I will, when it's time.




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