TBD on Ning

I recently saw .. again ... the movie VANTAGE POINT. For those of you unaware of this interesting movie, it shows the 'assassination' of a US President in Spain. In reality, the "President" killed is merely a double. In a small, brief scene, William Hurt, portraying the REAL President, makes an off hand comment that "we've always used doubles since Reagan."

That got me to wondering about Jethro and his 9-11 Florida classroom thing. The President of the US is sitting in public and is notified that the US MAY be under attack...and freezes in place for almost 10 minutes.

Personally, I don't believe this was Jethro...for the following reasons.

1) It was a senior staff member who came in and whispered in his ear. Had it been the REAL body, the Secret Service would have come in and bodily lifted him out of the chair and out of the building. No questions or explanations.

2) He froze. Now I have never given Jethro the credit that he deserves simply because his ignorant bumpkin personal played so well to the crowd. But face it, you don't get to be President by being stupid. Granted he hadn't been in office all THAT long, but he did have enough experience not to get brain lock for 10 minutes.

Not that any of this makes any difference now...or then...or that it changed a thing in the long run...but I believe the person sitting in that classroom was not George H.W. Bush, but one of his stand-ins. It does, however, make me wonder where else they sent his stand-ins.

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