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What would be your ideal alternate universe?

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I'm going with foreplay. But there is always the "crash and burn" option. 

or going uot in a blaze of glory!

that world where the stuff you buy works and even works after the warranty is up...i know i know...call me a dreamer...or deranged...

You deranged dreamer you!

lolol.....lololol.....oh my

I want an alternate universe where a fantasy can be real if you wish it to.

"Shall We Go"  Nancy Elaine

The stars have taken you on an adventure among the constellations. I sit on the curve of the luminescent moon, smiling while white horses stop to take me with you. Opal saddles adorn their backs. Sapphire manes and tails braided with golden strands, swept gently in the black velvet sky where angels lead the way to meadows laden with bejeweled flowers and pink satin clouds. Come sit beside me to gaze upon the wings of the saffron dove. Kiss my eyes. They see the beauty of your love.




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