TBD on Ning

Since the original TPAM went walk about along with its creator, I would like to bring this discussion back to the forum.

Tags: Humor, etcetera, etcetera...., sarcasm, wit

Views: 1089

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TPAM is going for a mud wrestling championship tonight, wish her well.
tpam lives on a dead end street.
TPAM is enjoying her first Saturday in March.
That's just too Freudian for words to describe.

TPAM also dreams about orangutans on bicycles and giant throbbing Banana Splits.
TPAM is actually "Honest Abe" in didguise.
Pretty lousy disguise.

TPAM hasn't seen this yet:

TPAM wishes his physique was like Reagan's.
TPAM is afraid his may be.

TPAM makes a mean mushroom soup.
TPAM would love to taste it!
TPAM must promise to create such a dish when she comes to visit - we have the finest of shrooms 'round the corner at Whole Foods to cull from :)
All this food talk is making me hungry..what to eat?

TPAM Is going skydiving later today.




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