TBD on Ning

Since the original TPAM went walk about along with its creator, I would like to bring this discussion back to the forum.

Tags: Humor, etcetera, etcetera...., sarcasm, wit

Views: 1126

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TPAM is well known by the Prospect Park subway riders for always traveling with her over sized boom box and ceramic cat collection.

TPAM knows about the contaminated clams, but is keeping mum as a matter of national security.

TPAM spends a great amount of energy in maintaining plausible deniability.
TPAM booked Insane Clown Posse to play at his daughter's birthday party.
TPAM always avoids awkward or affected antiquated alliteration.

TPAM has a pair of Spiderman underoos in his size.(DUCKING)

TPAM shoulda known nobody says that ta me ya foul-mouthed fraggin feeb!

TPAM has this idea that anyone cares about his opinions.


TPAM rocks, along with TPtwo people above that who should never, never ever have gone there about my underwear in the first place. =-P 


Hey funes , if I really hurt your feelings I apologize. I think you'd look rather dashing in spiderman underrooos.................................LOL

TPAM is going to Kmart with me to check out the latest additions to the Marvel Super Hero Underoo Collection.

TPAM has finally rendered me, potty mouth and all , speechless........a veritable desert of linquistic ability.ROFLMAO

t4pam are quite funny & entertaining.




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