TBD on Ning

Since the original TPAM went walk about along with its creator, I would like to bring this discussion back to the forum.

Tags: Humor, etcetera, etcetera...., sarcasm, wit

Views: 1128

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TPAM is the queen of the word games.
TPAM is the mystery man of the word games.
TPAM enjoys a passionate kiss right behind the ear at the top of the neck!!! :-P

TPAM just stopped me in my tracks!

hehehe '-)
TPAM likes to eat Bunny Tracks ice cream.
TPAM gives free Bunny Track ice cream samples at the playground.
TPAM is creeping me out talking about using ice cream as a lure on the playground. ;-p
TPAM has ice cream on the brain so early in the morning.
TPAM has secret ,special powers to home in on her favorite flavor of ice cream in strange convieniance stores. She can find the one with reese's pieces blindfolded.
Yeah, but that just means that the rest of us have to buy cartons of ice cream with a bite missing.

TPAM gets skeeved out at puppet shows.
oh, AggieK, I think you're about to be disappointed in me.....

....are you ready?

.... are you sure?

Okay, here goes.....

(I can take or leave ice cream)

(even ice cream w/tracks in 'em)

sorry. ;-p
Is that why I never go to them? I knew there was a reason. (I'm always the last to know!)

TPAM streaks in his off season.




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