TBD on Ning

Or a three word sentence.
Let us know how your day has been...

I'll start:


Resplendent....(my garden)

Reflective....(just the usual...how did I get here...)

*No, the words don't have to rhyme or start with the same letter...My day just fell that way..*

Tags: howthehellareyou, justtouchingbase, lesscharactersthantwitter, rant----->

Views: 6128

Replies to This Discussion

3 day weekend.
I am tired.
Pooh just is.
so says Piglet.

MRI...very noisy!

Not claustrophobic ..yet.

Could have been..

just for a bit.

Remembered my mantra...

..from TM days.

Why are they

so damn noisy?

Does anyone know?


I wondered if

I was really

bothered, or if,

I thought I

should be because

other people said 

I should be??? 


I closed my eyes

as soon as

they sat me

on the table.

It helped me.



I've had one

too, Jaylee'n Quinn

also wasn't bothered

but you're right

it is noisy

Was my 3rd.

2nd one 45min

Wine helped!

Kinda cool rhythm..

..to the banging!

I think it has something to do the the extremely powerful magnetic field the machines create. Even the tiniest piece of metal that is not abosolutely fasten tight will move very fast and bang against something. I have heard that they sometimes move items in nearby rooms.





Good day @ work.

Didn't get fired.





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