TBD on Ning

The worse I do in hot weather.  It got to 94 at my house yesterday and I thought I was going to die. I moved here to get away from the heat....that and my ex.  Any one else dislike hot weather?  I'm ready for winter!!!!

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well you ain't alone dewalt .. i wasn't always like this tho so it;s gotta be an age thing .. when i was younger i did roofin for a few years and i did it in the new york area mostly and its cold in the winter and hot in the summer .. i'd be out in the cold for so long when i came in my face would actually burn sometimes .. and in the summer i'd be up on the roof and it would hit 104 from time to time and i'd stay out there and work anyway .. other guys would be whinnin and i'd tell em to quit cryin about the heat and man up .. i doubt i'd be like that now .. i just put a big umbrella out by my pool cause it gets pretty hot out there .. and while the pool will cool you off some it's about 93 degrees everyday this time of the year and the water is 88 so for some that might not be cool enough .. i think its fine tho and if you stay in there for an hour or so it can get chilly after awhile .. and just try commin in the house without dryin off first .. i dare you .. the house is a constant 76 and you'll freeze your nipples off if you don't jump right in the shower .. i wouldn't wanna sit on a hot beach all day anymore .. especially down here.. so welcome to gettin old .. how you likin it so far ?? bites the big one don't it ??   




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