TBD on Ning

My friend Lloyd turned me on to this growing movement called the Coffee Party. Here is the web site.


What follows is a post that Lloyd wrote about the Coffee Party and some questions contained in a letter he wrote to Mitch McConnell.

After watching Annabel Clark's YouTube video,  explaining how the Coffee Party began, I decided to make my first contribution to the Coffee Party and write a letter to Kentucky Republican Senator Mitch McConnell.


Why Mitch McConnell?  Because he has been on the forefront in opposition to President Obama's efforts at reforming health care here in the United States.

"If the Democrats' health care bill passes, every Republican running in an election this fall will campaign on repealing it", Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said yesterday.

"You ignore the overwhelming desires of the American people at your own peril," McConnell said. "This is politically toxic in the extreme."

In the spirit of Annabel's statement I decided to remain civil and ask Senator McConnell a few questions regarding his stance against health care reform.

I wanted to know how it is fiscally responsible for uninsured Americans to use their local hospital emergency rooms as their primary physicians office at a cost up to 10 times that of a primary physician.  I gave him the example of treating an ear infection at a local hospital emergency room, costing nearly $1000, as opposed to the same treatment costing under $100 at a primary physician's office.  I asked him if he knew that the American tax-payer pays the bill in both cases.

I wanted to know why it's ok for him to have the best tax-payer funded health care in America while those same tax-payers aren't entitled to the same coverage.  I suggested that he and all those opposed to the President's plans  immediately cancel their tax-payer funded health care plans and buy coverage on the open market.

I wanted to know how he felt knowing that the majority of bankruptcies now being filed in America are due to medical costs.

These are just a few questions I posed to the Senator.  I hope he responds.  If not, I hope he at least do a little soul searching and find some compassion for those with pre-existing conditions who have no where to turn.

In watching Annabel's video, one of the words she used several times was "Obstructionist".  I believe this best describes the actions of many on the Right.

I hope my letter was written in the true spirit of the Coffee Party.  I bit my tongue a few times trying not to be disrespectful to the Senator.

Tell me what you think.  Feel free to copy and paste or edit this letter and send it to your own Congressional or Senatorial representative.

Doing nothing is no longer an option.



Lloyd "Proud Democrat" and now "Proud Coffee Party Member".

Tags: America, Politics, coffee_party, grassroots, honesty

Views: 32

Replies to This Discussion

Cynthia? The above URL is Liz Cheney's vehicle of smear which rightfully earned her the razzie award from her own side, is it not? Demonizing lawyers assigned to an unpopular case is not my "cup of tea," thanks. But thanks for your kind invitation. I'm sure it was offered in the Right spirit.
There are 4 people I don't respond to and Pacis is one.
It was invitation take or leave it, no skin off my nose! I do find your responses rather amusing and child like.
You've been spam'ing multiple groups with this. One time, as part of a discussion, would be considered an invitation. Targeting multiple groups, and multiple threads, out of context, is spam.

The Context is, the conservatives would like you to come over there to provide the liberal viewpoint, so we can box your political ears.
Naw, pac, you hippies pretty much made the psychedelic mushroom extinct in the Pacific Northwest, back in the '60's. Lol
You feel Government should not be in the business of reforming health care or setting up a system to fix it.

More fuzzy argument a la Vernon. We and also the framers of the US Constitution think that Federal Government should not be in the business of reforming health care or setting up a system to fix it.
That would be in part, the Federal government, who systematically and unconstitutionally, stole a large part of my pay check for many years for their social engineering plans. I now figure that the part of my coverage not paid by myself or my employer is the only way I have of recouping part of this stolen money.

So I guess that part of the Constitution that talks about promoting the common welfare is just so many Jeffersonian lies?
Anf Ronald I have said in the past( maybe you someone to read it for you) that reform of the health care system needs to be done! That even changing a few things would bring down cost. But you would rather not hear so you can complain how bad and heartless the right is!
Just heard: THE COFFEE PARTY - (that's the original suject, right?) - is to be featured today, Monday the 8th, at 5 EST and 2 PST on THE SITUATION ROOM on CNN.
Well, anyway, back to vernons original subject here.


"Despite a news-media buildup over the past few weeks from CNN, MSNBC, New York Times, National Public Radio, Washington Post, Seattle Times and dozens of other outlets, the estimated 350 coffee houses hosting events around the country today welcomed mostly miniscule crowds."

HArrrrrr Harrrr Harrrrr Hope yer still listnen' Vernon!




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