TBD on Ning

Tell me two things in response to the request. Then post your own for the next person.

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1) My birthday is in March

2) According to the old addage, it comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.


TM2 good things about the Insane Clown Posse.

They're not in my genre of music and 2) they buy lots of makeup.


TM2T's about yourself we don't already know.

I need a haircut, and I have a bumper sticker on my truck that says, "Can You Handle EXTRA MEAT ? Then Try Yanni's Gyro's, In The Laketown Shopping Center"


TM2 songs you love too much to ruin by attempting to sing them yourself.

I went to sleep last night laughing about how myself and the family can't sing at all and we were caught off key and off guard on camera by a clown at Mama Leonie's on TV . Yeah, think we blew the whole restaurant away , we were awful. No much to my own dismay , I've tried to sing them all. Not one of them sacred.


TM2T your children did when they were small that makes you laugh to this day.

1) When my daughter had her first-birthday party, we gave her a little personal birthday cake in the shape of a teddy bear. It was one of those sculpted, sitting-upright novelty cakes, about the size of a month-old kitten. She stared at it for minute, then gave us a HUGE smile and tore it's face off, shoving handfuls of it in her mouth - And gleefully offering some to other guests. (I think I said something like, "Thatta girl. Go for the eyes first. Blind them, and the rest will be easy.")


2) When she was ten years old, she pulled off an unassisted triple play during a slo-pitch softball game.


TM2 Japanese movie monsters you made up.

Mitz. Eclipses taking over, ruling the World and running over people and talking.

Second part the Toyotas, mainly the Celicas try to make peace and fight w/ the Mitz. Eclipses.


tm2t that  make you cry?

Strong onions, and the thought that I've sprung another hernia.


TM2T that you never want to do again.

 Pop a piece of red hot glass onto my skin and have little kids with the flu getting sick all over me , poor Tim, he was so sick, he just sat in my lap crying and hurling till I picked him up and took him into the bathroom & cleaned him up. It was the middle of the night.


TM2T that you buy that are made in the USA and support your local economy.



I patronize several local restaurants that try to use as much locally-grown produce as possible, as well as rarely shopping at "big box" retailers, instead buying as much as possible from local and/or employee-owned merchants and businesses.


Also, My last six bicycles, which have been manufactured all around the US (Current bike: A Gary Fisher "Zebrano"), were all purchased at the same locally-owned bike store I've shopped at for the last 30-odd years. I haven't owned an Asian-built bike since high school, when my Fuji got stolen. But I'd have to check - The computer or lighting systems on my Zebrano may be of Chinese or Japanese origin.


TM2T people you hope don't show up this Thanksgiving.



Glen Beck? annnnnnnnnnnnnnd my nasty neighbor, all the other neighbors are wonderful.



TM2T really get you going in the morning.

Good sex and a strong cup of coffee


TM2T's that you wish you could do over.

March 17th, 2011 and that time I tried to make sauerbraten.


TM2T you know you'll overdo this Thursday and Friday.




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