TBD on Ning

Tell me two things in response to the request. Then post your own for the next person.

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Chicken Pot Pie & Fudgepackers.


TM the last 2 TV shows you watched that made you despair for the human race.

The News and some stupid cartoon.



TM2T you like about winter.

Mennonites in Maine and FBI stats about crimes against women.



TM2T that never fail to piss you off.


"TM2T you like about winter":

1) the snow

2) that it doesn't seem to last as long in N.C. as it did when I was a child.


"TM2 things that never fail to piss you off":

Damn......sunspots affecting the cyberspace/time continuum today.....

Finding your post somewhere between where you thought you put it and where it posted.


TM2T that never fail to get you out of bed in the morning.


(Thanks Merry for being a sport and following through!)

The puppy threatening to puke in our bed if I don't let him out and tornado sirens.


TM2 songs you want played at your funeral.

So, Merry, are Mennonites in Maine and FBI stats about crimes against women things you love about winter, shows that have left you in despair, or have you answered your own question and they are things that piss you off?
LOLZ, Quinn!!! It was my bad the thread got outta whack...hence the post I made.....!!!!   ;-)
Usually the "respond" feature here drives me nuts, but every once in a while it provides some great comic relief :-)

TM2T that are sure signs of the Apocalypse. 


( Snagg changing his picture and the TM2T game getting out of whack don't count )

Well then, I got nothing...

TM2T that are sure signs of the Apocalypse. 


( Snagg changing his picture and the TM2T game getting out of whack don't count )

I ran outta beer, and when I went to the store, they were outta my brand. Pretty much the end of the world as far as I'm concerned.


TM2T you can't live without.

Ducatiman & love in the world.




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