TBD on Ning

So here we are looking around, taking a peek... hanging out.

On some thread a bit ago, some one said how annoying the FB was with all the trivial updating goings on.

Personally, I don't think my daily updating is all that interesting but some times I really feel the need to share.  My kitties don't give a whit and the bird...well, he lives in his own world.  His updates would mostly involve "lived another day"..."got some of that shredded stuff again (cheese)"  etc.

Mostly, I have you fine folks to droll on about my meager existence and occasional moments of wonderful.


So, here you go...Keep it brief...mundane with a bit of intrigue.

Tags: adventures IRL, just livin', let's bug Bob

Views: 16189

Replies to This Discussion

are you decorating?





How did you know?

I dunno... I think we think alike. It's scary, I know.


(am I 'sposed to be an actress/celebrity in avatarland this week?)

Yes, I'm Meryl Streep

*sigh* okay......



.......but only if you'll fly down to Largo in February! '-)

Reply by Quinn 1 hour ago
Contemplating the mess I've made in the living roon...

▼ Reply

Never wait till the last second..........just sayin'...

Not funny!


okay, a little bit  :)

Well, things have slowed right down, out here on "The Leelanau".  It gets that way this time of year.......its kind of nice.

Today, after a bowl of Cheerios and a banana, I decided to head on into town.  A person can't go out for a proper breakfast close by, on Tuesdays now.....the new yuppie place closes on that day.

The donut shop was open, though (it closes on Sundays during winter), so I headed in there for Liberal Hour.  There was a nice, lively crowd assembled, several different conversations going on amongst small groups of two or three people.  One topic that was touched on briefly was the importance of regularly communicating with people face to face, and the all too common malady these days of trash talking, bullying, out-yelling and chest beating that happens online.  That struck home....we've seen more of that around here lately.

Oh, a couple of the conservatives also stopped in, and as usual, everything ran very smoothly.  Politics almost never lasts as a subject of conversation at Liberal Hour....there are lots of other topical and/or interesting things to discuss, it seems.

I didn't stay too awful long at Liberal Hour,  I needed to make a stop at the grocery store to pick up some items to make split pea soup today  (Uh, yes, I did have the split peas already!).  Of course, I ran into KB outside the store, and jawed with her for awhile.  I swear that lady has to go to the store everyday of the week!  The reason I'm so convinced is that I seem to go there everyday of the week, and she's either in the store, or going to or from.

After getting my items, I went across the street to get some helpful information from Trev, on building shelves and attaching them to drywall.  Trev is real helpful that way...rarely does he not know the answer to "do-it-yourself" questions.

Lastly, I stopped at the farm market/Christmas wreath and roping store, before heading home.  As one might imagine, they are really busy right now, making and shipping fresh Christmas decorations.  For many years now, I've made up their shipping boxes.  I don't even recall when I started.  I don't get paid, but I do get a killer wreath for my home.  I like to leave the wreath up all year long, for reasons I won't get in to at this time.  Anyway, the box supply was adequate, so I went on home, diced and chopped and boiled, and got the soup into the simmering mode.

And that brings me current.....I wonder if a nap might now be in order?      

Are you still napping?

The rustling of the coldcut wrapping in the fridge woke me up. Now it's just me and the kitty boy hanging out on the web. Did you ever have a housemate that ate everything that wasn't tied down?  A small turkey, no problem , gone in about 4 days. I mean am I wrong in thinking that eating almost an entire box of spagetti in one sitting is a bit much?

did he cook it first? I'm thinking it would probably sit pretty heavily on the stomach if you ate it w/out cooking it first. 





....sorry he woke you, that's aggravating at best. I had to move to the sofa & sleep last night. :-(

I've had this bug for over a week that has settled into a deep, hacking cough. Ducatiman got no sleep night before last b/c I coughed all night & he was exhausted yesterday. He has a big work presentation a 4 hour drive away today, so when the coughing started soon after we settled in last night I just decided to gather up my pillow & a blanket & hit the sofa.

Oh, it was cooked first. Just amazes me, I've never seen anything like it. Hope that you feel better.




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