TBD on Ning

So here we are looking around, taking a peek... hanging out.

On some thread a bit ago, some one said how annoying the FB was with all the trivial updating goings on.

Personally, I don't think my daily updating is all that interesting but some times I really feel the need to share.  My kitties don't give a whit and the bird...well, he lives in his own world.  His updates would mostly involve "lived another day"..."got some of that shredded stuff again (cheese)"  etc.

Mostly, I have you fine folks to droll on about my meager existence and occasional moments of wonderful.


So, here you go...Keep it brief...mundane with a bit of intrigue.

Tags: adventures IRL, just livin', let's bug Bob

Views: 16189

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Pretty long work day, but not a hard day. Felt really good 'til I got home. Then I just ran out of steam.

Turning in early tonight, I think.

Turning in early turned out to wake me up, wide awake @ 3am! phffft!!

...watched the last bit of Juno, which I love, an episode of Law & Order, Criminal Intent & an episode of Law & Order, SVU. And I don't watch TV! Fell back asleep a little after 6am & slept 'til after 9am!! What is UP w/me?!


Off work today, but looking forward to a productive day-

> walk the dogs

> paint a wall in our bedroom

> do hours of bill paying, paperwork, admin stuff

> straighten up the house

> walk the dogs

> get a long awaited massage (yippeeeee! '-)

> do my double workout sessions: a dance workout followed by a Yoga/Tai Chi/Pilates workout

> welcome my guy home from Orlando

> walk the dogs

(they LOVE this new home where they have to be walked repeatedly instead of just let out the back door! :-P)


s/b a really good day. Please send me good vibes that I'll be productive.

Thanks - & I'm wishing everyone here a wonderful day!



taking a totally undeserved break. I'm not going to get the painting done today, which I really wanted to do, but I got the 2nd house project done, which I didn't log up there ^ ^ ^ & that was hanging artwork in the LR. So now I think I can consider the LR at the new place done. here's a couple pics...


...and the other side of the LR. Can you see my little pup on her bed? She just looks like a black blob in the pic. :-P

I'm more interested in the planes on the hearth than the pup. (do like puppies though) What's the story behind those planes??
They belonged to Ducatiman's great uncle! We also have a big, red wooden toolbox that was his, that still contains the tools! It looks like a chest. It's in our 2nd bedroom, being used as a coffee table. Isn't that cool? :-)
Sure is.
LOvE your sense of style, d's!

Thanks, Merry! *beaming* :-)


(now if only we could get rid of that TV in the LR!)

Not trying to compete cause a tool box is way cooler!! But we have Dee's grandfathers shipping trunk that he brought here from Wales, as a small child. There were lots of goodies in it when it was passed to us. Probably the favorites are his tiny button up baby shoes, and 3 original auction posters that were tacked up all over Mineral Ridge when he died. (he died and Grandma had to sell the farm) Over the years, we sold 2 of them, but still have one left that is matted and framed. I find it ironic that she was selling the land, the house, horses, cattle, farm implements, but also served lunch at noon.








That is awesome, Teebs! I love having sentimental bits of history like that.

"LIKE"....esp the the mission style chairs.  Cowboys' got one!

Looks very inviting....

Thanks, Jaylee. It's coming together. We really like the Mission chairs, too, and I got quite a deal on them.

Unfortunately, my age-related-dementia-riddled pup has nearly destroyed them during anxiety attacks when I'm not home. :-( I can sand & refinish the scratched arms myself, & we got faux leather on sale to recover the cushions, but the quotes for the labor to recover them is not in our budget right now. :-(




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