TBD on Ning

You start a rumor about me and then the next person starts a rumor about someone else...

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Red has found the perfect costume to wear

z, That isn't me, Thats Calli's hired man..........................LOL

z is going to be a GIANT BOOB for Halloween.

ok so I was mistaken... here is Reds real costume

Here is z headin' to work on his new Segway. He can't wait to get it out on the Freeway.

red one uses his garbage can lid for a frisbee.
BethD drinks her Coors Light instead of Orange Juice in the morning. She also uses it for her mouthwash.

red one been spying in my bathroom, he is
a 'Peeping Tom"
Hey Beth, It is z who is the Peeping Tom!

red one is hoping some day he can be as smart as The Rainman.
Beth has a Handsome New Boyfriend from North Carolina.

Red One's main squeeze

SG on Viagra




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