TBD on Ning

You start a rumor about me and then the next person starts a rumor about someone else...

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z sure has a NICE SMILE!!!!!!!!!!!

Red is thinking its time to redecorate.... he will be going with this wall paper in the living room....

Z will be the Dude who will be doing the wallpaper in my living room. I hope he isn't sooooooooo DRUNK that he will not get the wall paper straight.
Red will be drunk so it won't matter if the paper is straight
z is very satisfied with his wall papering job at Red's, now its time for some COLD ONES!!!

red one waits til his neighbors go to work and sneaks in their house and steals their food
Beth is my new girlfriend and we are thinking about going steady. She wants to wear my class ring that I had years ago, but I can't find the damn thing. I'll give her something to SHUT HER UP!!!!.................LMAO
red one never had a girlfriend in his life and never went to class. he has no ring.
The only ring he has is the ring around his coller. bow wow!
BethD is buying a round for us all tonight!
Red One is buying Calli tequila shots, he expects big things later.
SG gets drunk on the smell of alcolhol
Sorry z, it will cost you to put me under where you can take advantage like Red One has been salivating about.....I'm not going that way, but have a good day.




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