TBD on Ning

You start a rumor about me and then the next person starts a rumor about someone else...

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Jack's week-end job is as a Male Prostitute. He needs a break from Flipping the Burgers.
Jack likes to get his friends in trouble at the airport. He yells hello to them from a distance, and watches as security grabs them when they holler back, "Hi Jack!"
Callie went downtown shopping with friends the other day and got a little thirsty. Just a bit of a hangover, I s'pose...

Jack is all dressed up to attend Calli's Hippie Party.

red one worked out so hard using his remote
control that he can't even open any beer cans.
He is on the disabled list
Here is Beth and her friends all ready to go to the Hippie Party........ ROTFFLMFAO

Red is going into business painting old school buses...

z wants to fulfill his lifetime dream and become one of the Partridge Family Band Members

Red watches the Partridge Family reruns... he has a crush on Laurie
Jack was z's cell mate.

Jack's now planning to get plastic surgery to look more like David Letterman.
Actually Jack wants to become a Letterman intern...




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