TBD on Ning

You start a rumor about me and then the next person starts a rumor about someone else...

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Ivy doolittle has a pet camel.
Ivy and BethD are going to be a tag team and wrestle Calli's sheep. TSD is going to be the referee and yes he will be checking out the ass's.
The wrestler's or the sheep's??

BethD got a new job as a target at a paintball place. She's doing very well.
stillgoing is having a panic attack because his welfare check hasn't showed up.
Stillgoing has a tattoo in a very unusual place....
Callipyge would know
stillgoing,TSD, Aggie, and BethD are having BBQ sheep at Calli's. She is practicing sheep population control.
Red One hasn't had a BM in a week, yes, he's full of sh**. snort snicker chuckle
Ivy knows this how exactly?
That's the word at the nursing home where he resides ... lol
nursing home? I thought he was a street person. Drug dealer?




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