TBD on Ning

According to the President, if sequestration takes effect we will be facing armaggedon. Hundreds of thousands of jobs will be lost. Major cuts to Head Start. Cuts for the elderly, first responders, teachers, and on and on. The sky will fall says the fear monger in chief. Imagine all this will happen with an $85 billion cut from  $1.036 trillion in "discretionary" spending.

Not being able to blame George Bush, the president has resorted to once again  blaming the evil Republicans BUT he neglects to tell everyone that this is his plan. He also neglects to tell everyone that he said that he would veto any effort by lawmakers to repeal a  requirement for $1 trillion in automatic spending cuts to be triggered after the  Super Committee failed to agree on terms to save the country $1.2 trillion over  a 10-year span.

Imagine all the fear mongering and name calling are continuing under tha President who told us that he would be the great uniter. Listening to him I wonder how all this negativity is working for him, and us?





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Congress went on vacation Friday afternoon, and they'll be returning on Thursday the 27th. That's a five day vacation, and they'll only have five days left to figure out the fiscal cliff debacle.

How long did the President play golf?

His game lasted until it was Sequestrated...

Bad behavior does not condone bad behavior. We have ONE president. A person who is the chief executive. In corporate America a CEO would lead. It is the leader who should set an example. We can all agree that congess is disfunctional, so now it's up to the President to lead on his idea. He proposed sequestration now he should own it. You might not like it, but it is fact.

Not exactly true... “It was Obama’s negotiating team that came up with the idea for defense cuts in 2011, though they were intended to prod Congress to come up with a better deal for reining in the deficit, not as an effort to make those cuts reality. Meanwhile, members of both parties in Congress voted for the legislation that set up the possibility of sequestration. Obama’s position is that Congress should now act to avoid those across-the-board cuts. Obama can’t rightly say the sequester isn’t his, but he did need cooperation from Congress to get to this point.”

The other fact is, Obama has proposed a fix... which the tea party Congress refused because it included small tax hikes in addition to tax cuts.

It's the Republicans who refuse to compromise.

Be specific and tell us what Obama proposed. He spoke of a "balanced approach" So far he has gotten two tax increases with no reduction in spending, so LLL what exactly is his fix?

No reduction in spending?  You sure you don't want to correct that claim -- or do you want to go down with it?

He leads, however the followers are nut cases staggering around blindly listening to religious fanatics who tell them the leader is to be feared. Sort of like a Superman leading a bunch of squirrels.

That awkward moment when Paul Ryan blames Obama for the sequester and there is video of him asking for the sequester

Click  here  for the video of his hypocritical blue eyes begging for the Republican sequestration:

There will be plenty of blame to go around, which is seemingly the point of the entire exercise.

As to who owns this one, it will be the American people, again.  And this is only a sign of where we are going as to the state of politics, who is to blame, not what do we do about it.  

As to the next agenda items, the continuing resolution and the debt ceiling, it really comes down to how to kick the can down the road to 2014.  As to immigration and guns, who knows?  Probably something will get done but no one in Washington really wants to deal with guns and immigration is not that simple when considering the situation for unions and employers, and the idea of franchising more Democrat voters by 2022.

  I see the Sequester as partialy President Obama's responsibility but mostly a result of the history of asinine Republican obstructoinism.

  The Republicans were thretening to crash our economy by defaulting on our debt. I beleive That blackmail by the republicans led us here. 200 Huose republicans voted for it.  No Huose Democrat did.

  I think that the President's goal was to aviod the U.S. defualting on uor debt witch wuold have cuased far reaching harm. To get the republicans to actualy MOVE he "threw them a bone" of spending cuts To Be Reworked after he got us passed the imediant thret of defualt on uor debt.

 If I fualt President Obama at all- it wuold be in trusting the republicans to do what is right for the country by reworking the spending cuts With him before they wen into efect.

 I often say to poeple who are second gessing themselves on past choices. I make the best desition that I can with the informatoin that I have at the time.

 I dont think that if the Sequester goes into afect on Friday it wil do neerly as much harm as Defualting on uor national debt wuold have.







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