TBD on Ning

I think we may have done this on another website. nevertheless. . .

If anyone ever holds open the door for you and says, "Age before beauty," you proceed and say, "Pearls before swine."

Views: 207

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Let's hear some Wilde.  I love snarky.

 Lewis Morris had just ben passed over for a Poet Laureateship. Wilde was not enamored with Morris's poetry or his sniviling. Sometimes less IS more..

A few quotes of Mr. Wilde's that you mite enjoy.


Here's one from Terry-Thomas but you can use it if you get the chance.  I've remembered to say it once.  "Hello!  Whadya know?!"  "My dear, I do not even suspect anything."

grinning and nodding until I got to Churchill - ooh, ouch!

i'm lost

That's alrite flipper, its not a test. This is just for fun.

yea,sometimes I get mixed up.

me to

at a dinner party, a woman exclaimed to churchill: "You, sir, are drunk!"

he responded:  "I may be drunk, madame, but in the morning, i will be sober. You, however, will still be ugly"




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