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What is the rarest thing you own?

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we've come along way baby.

Next they'll insert microchips in our brains and we can Google our selves silly!

I heard that causes blindness.

By then you won't need eyes. You will "sense" everything. And every woman will look like a twenty something hottie and every guy will have ripped abs and perfectly coifed hair. Unfortunately we'll be long gone by then.

A collection of original photographs of Glen H. Curtis and his aircraft as wel as 6 other experimental aircraft and aviators both in flite and on the ground and lake dated 1903-1910. I loaned them to the Curtis Museum abuot 40 yaers ago for photo reproduction. The originals wil remain in my family, available for loan to early aircraft museums.


They wer a gift to my father in the 1960's from a very old fellow (friend) who was part of the group of early aviators and inventers. Dad gave them to me in the 1970's.


A bound group of documents (eye witness acuont/ sworn statements) detailing WW2 atrositys in 2 Nazi prison camps. These wil be donated to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum shortly. It is gut renching to reed them,we must never forget..

Wow!  You have some impressive history there DD.

Those are amazing things to have, DD. You have a sizable chunk of history there! I agree that we can't forget.....but it's amazing how many people today still doubt the authenticity of documents and pictures like yours, relating to the Holocaust. There is a rising surge of anti-Semitism occurring again, and a lot of attacks and hatred toward Christians, as well! Are we in danger of something like that occurring again? The Nazi Party is active in many places in Europe. I shudder to think of where this is going.

It's worse here Karin, the KKK and Nazi's relabeled themselves White Power, a Christian (bowel) movement every bit as "Christian" as the "true" Christian Nazis.  We don't have to hate all Christians, just those kind of losers.

As with all things created by humans, there are those who will spoil it for the rest of us.  Every group.....every political organization.....every religious sect.....every college fraternity......pro sports figures......Military branches.........

Every group has its black sheep that make it tough on the rest of the members of said group.  I am a Christian, and proud of it......but I deplore the actions of the Westboro Baptist Church......and the fanatical branches of the Evangelicals who adhere to strict, albeit archaeic laws from the Old Testament.....most of which I don't even believe in.  I don't believe in hating anyone in the name of my Faith.  Or going to war over it, either.  It hurts me to know that the DHS has Christians on their terrorist watch list.  A true Christian ......a real, true Christian, believes in pacifism and equality and loving his neighbor.  For us to be branded for the actions of a few is very troublesome for me.  But so it is for many groups.  I am sure......somewhere......there is a moral, honest politician.  Offhand....I don't know where.....but I am sure he/she exists.  But the ones whose faces we see every night, spouting their vitriol and calling names like kindergarteners, give us the impression they're all bad.  The handful of members of the military who do things like happened at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq, and the My Lai incident in Nam.......make it very hard for all the others, like my son, who gave their all and never did anything to disgrace the uniform or their country.  It's very sad. 

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