TBD on Ning

This is the place to vent your frustrations.  Have at it!!

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"Gotta love those Texans".

I saw a fundamentalist Muslim extremist fall into the Rio Grande River this morning; he was struggling to stay afloat because of all the guns and bombs he was carrying.

Along with him was an illegal Hispanic drug cartel member who was also struggling to stay afloat because of the large backpack of drugs that was strapped to his back.

If they didn't get help, they'd surely drown.

Being a responsible Texan and abiding by the law to help those in distress, I informed the El Paso County Sheriff's Office and Homeland Security.

It is now 4pm, both have drowned, and no authorities has responded.

I'm starting to think I wasted two stamps.
We do have a way, don't we???

A way for what?

I hate these "pages" instead of everything being on the same page!

If I want to make sense of posts I have to page back and I don't have time for that. I have more important things to do with my life, ya know?!

Uh huh....
There's many times I've felt we weren't "on the same page"  let alone even reading the same book.   ;-)
There's a book?
Tracking Social Site Comments For Dummies
Are you calling me a dummy, dummy?
And here I was just trying to being helpful....sigh.   :-)
Are there pictures......i need pictures.
Thank you.




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